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seungmin grabbed his phone in a hurry and immediately dialed jeongin's number, desperate to know what the boy was up to. he let out a frustrated sigh after the younger wasn't picking up on any of his calls. he dialed one last time and was about to give up until he finally heard a voice.

"hello?" jeongin spoke through the phone, sounding confused.

seungmin sighed out of relief, "finally you answered! where the fuck are you jeongin?!"

the phone was silent for a bit until the younger replied, "i'm at the place...like you said?"

"are you serious right now jeongin?! you said you were going at 10pm and i was gonna come with you! what are you doing?"

"i'm..." seungmin put his phone close up to his ear to listen but all he heard was nothing. he was about to speak again until the call suddenly ended, jeongin has hanged up.

the boy groaned in frustration and threw his phone on the bed.


hyunjin slammed himself against the wall, "fucking shit jisung. what the hell did you do to my phone?!"

the other looked at hyunjin with a confused look, "i didn't do anything?"

the taller punched the wall aggressively, startling jisung, "my phone is not turning on." hyunjin spoke angrily, hitting his phone a couple of times.

"is that my problem?"

hyunjin glared at the other, "you tell me. you're the one who took my fucking phone! i left your gaming console completely fine!"

"okay? but i didn't turn on your phone at all! i was just holding on to it!" jisung argued, defending himself.

"you obviously did something because my phone was fine before you took it!" hyunjin argued back, furrowing his eyebrows.

jisung let out a sigh, trying to calm himself down but he found it hard just by looking at the taller who was glaring at him.

"hyunjin, i'm sorry i took your phone, okay? but i didn't do anything to it! gosh, why are you acting like this?!"

the next moment, minho came inside of the room after hearing all the shouting from the two other boys, "what's going on."

hyunjin turned around, "get out minho."

"show some respect!" jisung shouted, making hyunjin even angrier.

the boy clenched his fists, "how about you leave as well jisung? get out! both of you!"

"what's with the attitude? hyunjin, you okay?" minho asks softly, trying to calm the other down but it was hopeless.

"i'll be just fine if you fucking leave!"

jisung scoffed, "fucking bitch." he mumbled under his breath, but the other heard him and he just had enough.

he threw his phone directly at the other.




chan stared at both boys angrily. jisung had a bloody nose and bruised up lip while hyunjin had a black eye.

it was very unusual to see the two acting like they're mortal enemies all of a sudden and their always at each others throats, ready to slice.

"jisung. what happened?" chan asks with a stern face.

"hyunjin launched at me, what else do you want me to say? he got angry for no reason. blaming me for the reason why his phone wasn't turning on."

the taller rolled his eyes but he stayed silent because he knew if he spoke, he'd make chan just even angrier. and he wasn't putting up with an angry chan—even though he technically already is.


"i said i wasn't gonna talk about it." he spoke fiercely through gritted teeth.

chan exhaled softly, "alright, fine. minho, go take jisung upstairs. i'll take care of hyunjin for now."

minho took jisung upstairs inside of his room while chan and hyunjin stayed downstairs in the living room, once again.

"i'm not gonna say anything about it, alright?" chan spoke, softening his voice.

hyunjin adjusted himself on the couch, "whatever." he mumbled.

"where's jeongin?" he asked, and chan suddenly realized the boy has been gone for quite a while.

"i'm...not sure."

seungmin soon came walking down the stairs and saw hyunjin with his black eye. he gasped and widened his eyes.

"what the fuck happened?" seungmin asks while rushing towards the other two who were in the living room.

"i got jumped by a dog." hyunjin sarcastically joked, making seungmin frown.

"very funny."

chan scoffed, "he got into a fight with jisung."


"that boy getting on my nerves." hyunjin grunted, crossing his arms in the process.

"but uh, seungmin...do you possibly know where jeongin went?" chan asks, and seungmin's face expression immediately changed. it didn't go unnoticed.

"i don't..."

the oldest nodded, but he knew seungmin was lying to him.


where did jeongin go? 👀

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