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sorry for the long wait, here's chapter 14! again, i apologize 🥲
enjoy reading everyone!
thank you for all the support <3
(not proofread so i apologize if there's any errors or typos)

"who the fuck do you think you are?!" mr. hwang shouted as he threw the younger against the wall, his head banging on the floor harshly.

"i did not tell you to meet at heiran's house. i specifically told you to go search for my son!"

jiwoon sat up weakly, "i went to her because she might have an idea about hyunjin's whereabouts.." jiwoon defended, and mr. hwang's eyes soon said realization.

mr. hwang slowly started to smirk, "ah, you're smart after all..." he startled to walk towards the younger with a evil grin.

"kim jiwoon...who would've thought?" he kneeled down to reach the boy's level, "all you wanted was to make your parents proud, now what? are they gonna be proud of you right now?"

jiwoon's became watery, "do not bring up my parents, ever." he spoke through gritted teeth, his fists clenched.

mr. hwang rolled his eyes before pulling out a knife, "kill or be killed, jiwoon."


the older smirked devilishly, "kill or be killed? you choose."

"i'm not killing anyone, who do you think you are?!" jiwoon shouted in anger, making mr. hwang scoff in disappointment.

"i have full control over you, you know that right?" mr. hwang said, and jiwoon rolled his eyes.

"no one is in control here."


the next week, hyunjin met up with the others at school, finally. he had decided to stay at his mother's, but he didn't tell them about his sister, yeji, who came and visited. he figured there was no need to.

"chan!" hyunjin smiled as he ran up to the other and hugged him.

chan smiled and hugged hyunjin wrap, engulfing him in a warm brace which made changbin frown.

"why do you only hug chan?" changbin spoke, crossing his arms as he looked away, sulking.

hyunjin giggled, "sorry changbin." he replied and hugged the sulking boy who had a smile slowly appearing on his face.

"so what is it? decided to stay at your mother's?" minho asked, and the younger nodded.

"mhm, i'm afraid though." hyunjin mumbled, which made everyone tilt their heads.


"my father."

jeongin gulped, "i will protect you, hyunjin." he thought, but would never say it out loud.

"we will be here for you, hyunjin. trust me, just text any of us and we'll be right with you, alright?" chan said, and everyone agreed, but jeongin stood there, frozen. jisung seemed to notice and pulled him aside from the rest.

"what's wrong with you?" jisung asked as he brought jeongin around a corner.

"huh? nothing." the other replied with a smile, but jisung knew something was wrong, he sensed it.

"i know when you're lying, jeongin." jisung said, which made the younger sigh.

"i'm not ready to tell you yet." jisung was confused but respected jeongin's boundaries.

"i'm here for you, okay? i love you, jeongin. you can tell me anything." jisung said as he grabbed the other's arm.



hyunjin walked into the cafe and met up with his other friends, younghoon, beomgyu, and daehwi. except, daehwi was not there. hyunjin walked up to their table and smiled.

"hey guys!" he said with excitement as he never saw them for a while.

"hi hyunjin! how have you been?" younghoon asked, and hyunjin sat down on the table.

"i've been good...where's daehwi?" hyunjin asked, and he noticed the immediate expression changed from his friends. both of them looked down, avoiding contact with him.

"hello? where is he?" hyunjin asked again, but got no response.

"i think me and beomgyu need to get to our classroom already, we have a few things to do..." younghoon said and stood up, grabbing beomgyu's arm.

"guys?! where is daehwi!" hyunjin also stood up, wanting answers but he couldn't get any.

"we'll talk to you later hyunjin, see you around!" beomgyu said as he was dragged away by younghoon.

hyunjin took out his phone and started rapidly texting his best friend. he sent out many messages and calls, but he didn't receive any responses. he didn't even show up to their senior party event, which made him worried, as he knew daehwi loved events like this.

however, he kept his cool. he didn't want to make it seem like he was worried sick, so he took a big deep breath in and out before leaving the cafe.

"i can't believe it...did younghoon really avoid my questions? are they hiding something from me..?"

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