Opening my eyes I'm greeted by Cassian's sad eyes and I moan and grab his hand that rests on my shoulder. Peeling it off I roll away and curl into my pillow, begging for another hour of sleep.

"Frey, come on, it's time to wake up,"

"Just five minutes," I mumble through a mouthful of hair.


"Cassian please," turning to him I see him narrow his eyes.

"Nightmares?" nodding my head I shy away into the covers and he gives me a sad sigh, "Okay, five more minutes,"

Smiling, I mumble a thank you and he grins at me while grabbing a book off my table. Sitting in a chair in the corner he flicks it open and pulls a plum from his pocket. Happy that he's finally taking an interest in books I roll back over and grab my pillow, holding it tightly against my chest. Shutting my eyes, they flutter close and I sigh with relief as I fall back into the warmth of sleep.

"Jump!" a person screams, "You don't deserve to live!"

Sobbing, I look down at the canyon below me and I feel myself shuffle closer to the edge. Their right, I did terrible things, I don't deserve to live.

"Just let the pain end," Cassian says to my right, "Let your pain end,"

Looking in his eyes, he stares back at me with a soft tenderness that pushes me over the edge.

"Frey," a voice calls pulling me out of my dream, "It's been ten minutes, time to wake up,"

Cracking open my eyes, Cassian smiles at me and sits down. Shuffling upright I take the glass of water he offers me and take a sip. Nearly moaning as the cold water trickles down my throat, I down the whole cup and wipe my mouth with my blanket. Setting the glass on the table beside my bed, Cassian hands me a tray of food and I look at it distastefully and push it back.

"I don't want it,"

"Frey, eat."

"No, food makes me sick this early in the morning. Let me wake up first,"

Sighing he nods and sets the tray down. Stretching out my arms I pull my covers off and set my feet on the ground. Walking over to the stack of clothing set out for me I gather it in my arms and walk over to the changing room set up in the corner. Ducking behind the canvas I change into the clothes and I frown at the choice of color. Sky blue. Shriveling my nose I toss the shirt over my head and then strap my corset over it. After my clothes are situated I walk out and Cassian stands on the other side respectfully keeping his eyes at the wall, even though he couldn't see me. Taking the sword held out in his hand I tie it onto my waist then throw the black cape hanging by the door over my shoulders, pinning it under my chin.

"I'm going back aren't I?" I say as I run a brush through my hair and look at Cassian through the reflection in the mirror.

"Not yet. My father said he wanted all of us to have lunch,"

Narrowing my eyes I turn around as I tie the end of my braid with a string, "Us?"


Sitting in my respected seat, which is next to Cassian, I glance around the table and take inventory of whose present. Cassian sits on my left, Anwen sits on my right and across the table Erebus sits next to the king who is at the head of the table, and at the other end is a girl I've never seen before. She sits tall, shoulder's back, head straight, and she's decorated with various weapons all along her person. Her eyes are dark and stormy like the blue sky right before nightfall and her long blonde hair sways against her waist. She looks cold, mute, like a respective soldier who follows orders without any thought. She is the ideal follower. Catching my eyes, she turns and smirks at me before grabbing one of the silver knives by her plate and begins tossing it around in her hands. Looking away I nudge Cass and he glances down at me, gesturing to the girl he looks over at her then flinches and turns away. Before I have time to ask who she is, the king snaps his fingers and an array of servants come into the room, balancing silver platters of food on their palms. Setting down a tray in front of me, they pull off the lid and my mouth salivates at the aroma that flies into my nose. Pouring me a glass of wine I stare at the red liquid and shrivel my nose. Alcohol never made sense to me, why fill your body with stuff that makes you delirious and nuts? Why would you want to make your mind spin? Pushing the glass away I set as far from me as I can. Chuckling, Cassian snaps his fingers and the servants take the glass from me.

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