Cassian. His name is on my lips when I open my eyes. He entered my dreams, he told me that I couldn't come back, otherwise he would kill me. He told me I failed him. He's right. I did. I didn't bring his sister home, I didn't fulfill my mission. I gave up, even though I promised him I would fight. I can't go back. I'll only return if my body is in a casket. Sitting upright I look over and see that Damian is still sleeping in his bed and the sun has risen. Rolling my wrists I feel my fingers brush over soft fabric and I look down and see a blanket has been put over my legs. Grinning, I pull it to my chest and reach up to pull Damian's pillow out from under his head. Jerking upright Damian blinks rapidly and curses once he sees me. Laying back down he moans into the mattress and I throw the pillow back at him.

"Good morning sunshine."

"I'm going to kill you."

Yanking the blanket over his head he shifts over so his back is facing me and I roll my eyes as I pull myself up using the dresser and smack him again. Rolling over he grabs my wrist and my eyes grow wide as he pulls me over and I yelp as I get thrown to the otherside of his bed, where I roll off the edge and land with a loud Omph on the floor.

"I'm already injured." I mumble as I stand up.

"I was enjoying my sleep."

"Well too bad, I'm hungry."

"I don't care."

Crossing my arms I glare at him and turn around to face the window.

I can feel the wind, the breezes, up here everything is so much clearer. Brighter. Stronger. I can feel the air healing me. The strength returning to my bones. It's clearing my body of sickness and easing the weight in my mind. Touching the glass I smile and the wind pushes against my fingertips. Now that I'm out of that cell, down below, I can use my powers. I can harness it.

Spinning around I smile at Damian and he narrows his eyes as he leans up on his elbows. "Why are you smiling?"

Pulling my hand off the glass I drop it to my side and snap my fingers. Rushing in through the walls, the wind knocks into Damian and he gets pushed off his bed and into the floor. Sitting upright he shouts at me but I ignore him and the wind tousles his hair before coming back to me and slipping out the window. Leaping to his feet Damian glares at me and I match his stare.

"I'm going to put you back in your cell."

"Why? Because your ego got bruised?"

"I'm not-"

Opening the door Alexander walks in and he stops when he sees us and raises an eyebrow, "What is going on?"

"Would you like me to tell him?"

"Shut up." he snaps, "Nothing, Alexander. What are you doing here?"

"Making sure you're both still alive."

I snort, "Who did you think would be dead?"

"Don't answer that."

"Scared he'd think it'd be you?"

Crossing his arms Damian rolls his eyes and turns away from me, "What else, Alexander."

"Uh, the king wants to see you, and he wants you to bring her too."


I feel like a doll. Like a child is dragging me along the floor while the stone snags my hair and skin. Only it's my arms that sting. Yanking back on my chains Damian spins around to glare at me and I kick his shin. Twisting my bonds I cry out and Alexander lets out an exasperated sigh while he runs his hand down his face. He's tired of us. Just like I'm tired of Damian and his arrogant attitude.

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