Damian doesn't say anything as we walk back, and I'm glad for his silence. If he spoke I would be afraid of what would come from my mouth. As he slept at my feet with his hand holding onto me tightly, I heard Erebus' reply. I get chills just thinking about it, and I have yet to tell Damian.

Falling behind him, I let him keep a few strides over me and my hand twists around by my hip as I play with the few strands of wind who have come to me for protection. They sought me in the midst of Erebus' call. He wanted all the winds, all the drafts to come to him, but these three fought back and coiled themselves around my wrist. They haven't left sense. Toying with one I let it slip in and out through my fingers a small smile lights up my face as it runs through my hair and pulls it out of it's braid.

They seek refuge in me but I'm afraid that they've chosen someone worse to stand by. I've already blackened part of their family. I've already killed some of them. They may think that they've run from a monster, but they don't realize that they're following another. Stopping ahead of me, Damian pauses once he realizes how far I am behind him and I lengthen my strides to fall in step next to him.

Taking my hand he locks our fingers together and gives mine a soft squeeze. He's telling me that he's in this too. That he's with him, but he doesn't realize that that just makes my heart beat even faster. That it raises my fear rather than settling it. Whenever he touches me or is around me a certain installment of panic strangles me. He reminds me of what I could lose, of what I'm tied to. He reminds me that I have someone else to look out for. That there is someone else, and not just me.

As the training center falls into my view my feet dig in at their own accord and Damian stops along with me and crouches closer to my face, so he's taking up my view and not the arena.

"We move on," he says, "we start new."

Nodding I bite my lip and he lightly pulls me forward urging me to go on. Once my feet move I roll my shoulders and keep my eyes on the mat until I can't see it any longer. We move on, we start new. We start new. No more grudges, no more hate defined by where we live, no more lies.

Walking back up the castle steps I see Alexander sitting on the top stair and he perks up as soon as he sees us. Racing down to meet us, his pace slows as he notices our hands and a huge grin lights his face.

"Well, I see that you guys have....reconciled?"

I shake my head, "You look way too happy, Alexander."

He shrugs and slaps a hand on Damian's shoulder, "Told you so."

Damian rolls his eyes. "Told him so?"

He nods, "Dayme here didn't believe me when I came back after you rescued me and predicted that you were the one."

I grimace, "Don't say 'the one' I don't like how it sounds."

Chuckling he ruffles my hair then yelps as my winds dart up his arm, and fly under his shirt. Laughing as he stomps around with the most bewildered expression I shake my head at his jerky and rapid movements. Calling them back, they fly out from his hair and lay around my neck. Stopping his dance Alexander squints as he smooths his hair and Damian cracks half a smile.

"What just happened?"

"My winds like you." I say with a shrug.

"Your..." he trails and shakes his head, "Nope. Nevermind not even going to bother. Anyways, you guys are right in time for dinner and I'm sure the king will be thrilled at your guys' new bond."

Nodding Damian starts to walk forward but I hold him back as Alexander slips inside. Turning to me he raises an eyebrow and I smirk. "Dayme?"

He sighs, "Alexander's pet name for me."

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