Terran life is so different from Aura. The streets are crowded, the shops are open wide, children run around chasing each other or chasing that one ball that refuses to stay in its circle. Everything is so....light. So happy. It's like these people don't have a care in the world. You can feel, even without my powers, how much everyone cares for each other. The kids don't cry and whimper for food, the adults don't yell and grow weary of each other. Everyone is at peace. They dance together in perfect harmony, and it's beautiful. So beautiful I want to cry, but I won't. I can't be the one bursting into tears today. Today is a day for Damian. It's a day honoring his mother and from the way his posture is relaxed, from the way he smiles at everyone, I know this day is important to him. He needs this. To be happy. To forget about everything else and focus on the warmth of this moment. I won't ruin it for him. I will remain quiet and content, a single presence by his side just in case he needs me.

Leading me around a well in the middle of the city he pulls me into a small shop that smells of apples and cinnamon. Walking to the counter he tells me to sit so I oblige and find a bench outside and curl my legs beneath me. Watching the people pass by I smile at each of them and the woman return my smile with one of their own. Rolling my way a red ball stops against the bench and a group of kids stand still as they watch me pick it up. Giving them a mischievous wink, I throw the ball up and the children gawk as it stays floating in the air spinning like a top. Laughing they race up to me and I put my feet down. Leaning against my legs, they point up at it and laugh as if it's the funniest thing they've ever seen. Unable to stop myself I laugh with them and send it higher than lower then around their heads until I drop it into the boy's hand. Amazed they scramble off with it and argue over who gets to hold it next. Shaking my head I watch them a little longer until Damian clears his throat and I find him leaning against the doorframe with his hands tucked behind his back watching me with a smile.

"What are you hiding, princeling?"

He cocks his head to the side, "Nothing."

I roll my eyes, "You're a terrible liar, grounder."

Chuckling his voice echoes around the ground and a deep warmth fills my chest at the sound. I love his laugh. I love the deep undertone and the rarity of its appearance. My heart warms at the fact that I drew it out. Sitting down next to me he puts a small round tin in my lap and I pick off the wrapping. As I pull the sheet away, I'm intoxicated by the amazing smell that flirts up to my nose. Looking over at Damian I stare expectantly and he hands me a fork. Grinning, I dig into it and shovel a mouthful onto my tongue.

Apple. I love apples. This is amazing. It's like mixing an apple with a cinnamon stick and the best pastry you could ever dream of. Beside me Damian laughs yet again only this time I kick his shin to get him to stop. Glaring at me he moves himself out of my reach and I continue to eat the delicious food in front of me while I watch the kids with my red ball.

"I never knew you were good with kids." Damian says as he hands me his food once he sees me staring sadly at my empty tin.

Watching them chase after the ball, my stomach twists at the sight of a boy with silver blonde hair. Meeting my eyes the boy stares at me without any emotion gracing his face and as my eyes drift down to his chest I'm startled by the patch of blood over his clothing. Jerking up I feel the tray in my lap fall to the ground next to me and as I look back at the boy I see that there is no blood on his shirt. He's fine. Waving at me he turns back around and joins his friends farther down the street. He looked so much like Kyler. Pinching my eyes closer I dig my nails into my palms pushing away his memory and shrivel back down into my seat.

"I'm not." I say to Damian.

"You're thinking about him, aren't you?"

I open my eyes, "Who?"

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