Staring at the knife resting in the tray by my leg I watch as a drop of my blood drips down the handle and lands in the puddle collecting at the base of the tin. Talking with the doctor in the corner Damian raises his voice as the doctor insists on him being looked at. Ultimately the king tells Damian to sit down and Damian gives him a cold stare before following his order and sitting on the stool by the bed I sit on. Dragging it over, he puts it in front of me and leans back so he's resting against my legs. Rolling my eyes at his antics I send a look to Alexander who purses his lips to hold back his laugh. Examining Damian the doctor checks his eyes and nose then treats the cut on his leg. Hissing through his teeth, Damian grips my ankle as the doctor puts a salve on it and Alexander loses his hold and leaves the room. His laugh can be heard in the hallway outside.
Biting my lip I look away from the direction of his laugh and turn to look out the window. The sun is almost at its peak. Which means we have three days left. The day before was wasted as I passed out on the ride back. I only woke up a few moments ago. Releasing my ankle, Damian relaxes his shoulders and I squint up at the sky.
Erebus gave me two weeks. Now it's down to three days. Well, two if you don't count the actual day of my birthday. We only have today, tomorrow, then Erebus could come at any hour after the sun has risen. In two days I have to fight with an injured shoulder that won't fully recover by then. Finishing up with Damian the doctor takes the knife away and I watch it go with an almost pained expression. That was Tesha's knife. Coming back in, he puts my arm in a sling and I glare at the restraining fabric.
I can't fight with this stupid thing on my arm. How am I supposed to defend myself and others with this thing, keeping one arm glued against my stomach? Picking at a loose strand hanging off the edge I crinkle my nose in disgust and the doctor tells me that my shoulder won't be fully healed for about two weeks. Two weeks that I don't have. Mumbling my thank you, I run my free hand through my hair and scoot off the bed. Meeting the king's eyes we hold a silent conversation before he nods and gestures toward the door. Touching Damian's shoulder I leave the room and Alexander blinks at me in the hall before stepping aside to let me through.
I walk aimlessly through the halls. Taking random turns and going up and down flights of stairs. I have no destination, I only knew I needed to get away to.....digest what took place. Finding a quiet room, I slip inside and lean against the door as it shuts. Adeena died yesterday, and Cassian came for revenge. He tried to kill me, and he was close to killing me. Me, the person he once thought of as a sister. He wanted to drive a knife into my heart. Crumbling down to my knees I break and slap a hand over my mouth to stop my sob from echoing around me. Cassian, my Cass, he wants me dead, and he wants to be the one to take my breath. I lost him. I lost him and Adeena on the same day. I thought maybe, maybe, I would be able to save him. To take him with me. But Adeena was his last straw. With her death he snapped. He lost his mother, his father, and his sister. Now everything rests on him. He is next to grace the throne. He is next to rule. Before we had someone to rule beside him, me, but now I'm gone too. He is alone. I left him alone. He had to see me have people around me who cared. Alexander, Damian, Jared, Dahlia. He watched them all defend me, protect me. He watched in pain as he realized no one was there for him anymore. I felt it. How much pain swelled inside his chest. How much envy and hate burned inside of him. Before I left I told him he had to hold on. To hold on for the promise of better. To hold onto hope. His grip is slipping. He's not holding on, because there is nothing for him to hold on to. I'm responsible for that.
Cassian is gone.
The royal family is dying.
Hitting the back of my head against the door I stare up through the skylight and watch as the world continues on normally. We, I, lost two people at the same time. Two people who meant so much to me, and the world has the audacity to ignore my pain. Lashing out, my power bursts out of my skin and a shockwave rattles the tables around me and sends glass figurines to the ground where they shatter.
I hate this.
I wish, I wish he had just done it.
I wish he had just killed me.
Shouting at the sky, I curse its name and Erebus' to the wind. Bubbling in my throat a scream breaks from my mouth and I clench my eyes tightly closed as thunder claps above. Why me? Why is all of this happening because of me? What did I do?
What did I do?
"What did I do?" I whisper with a pain in my voice that I have never heard or felt before.
Settling down my cries ease, and I wipe my face with my sleeve to rid myself of the water trickling down my cheeks. I don't have time to cry. I don't have time to let myself fully grieve. I will when this is over. When all of this goes away. I let myself cry and now it's time to pick myself and ignore the pain. Scrubbing at my face, I walk over to the mirror hanging by the fireplace and look over the mess I've made.
My hair is flat and greasy, my eyes are bright and red, and my pale skin is even paler. Worst of all I still have blood in the roots of my hair from the blow to the head I took. Moving my shirt and sling aside, I look at my stab wound and my stomach twists as the stitched hole sings with pain. I wonder if this was intentional. I wonder if Erebus wanted Cassian to come here to injure me. I wonder if that was his plan.
Looking outside I check the time and my jaw clenches. I've been in here for hours, though it felt like minutes. It was mid day when I came in here and now it's almost an hour till five. Did I really need to cry that much? My eyes and scratched throat answer me. Yes. Yes I did.
Leaning back, I rest against the wall. Now what do I do? It's too late to train, but too early to sleep. What am I supposed to do till dark? Catching my eye, a small bookshelf nestled in the corner gleams and I hesitantly walk over and grab the silver book off the shelf. Flipping it over, I examine the cover. Written memories. It was written by the queen. These are her memories. Look around the room, I fully take in my surroundings and realize I'm in an office. The queen's old office. Putting the book away, I leave it in its place and resist the urge to read every word inside. I should leave. This was the queen's private space and I'm intruding.
Grabbing my shoes that I kicked off, I hold them with my good hand and exit the room. Quietly I shut the door and look both ways down the hall. Which way did I come? Deciding to go left, I turn and tuck my boots against my chest as I walk. Going up a flight of stairs, I end up in a hall I recognize and soon I'm at my bedroom door.
Tossing my boots by my oak chest, I lock the door behind me and immediately go to the washroom. Looking around I notice bucks of water by the tub and a small written note tied around the handle.
I thought you might like to wash the day off. —-King Aldrich.
Grinning, I dump the now lukewarm water into the tub and slip out of my soiled clothes. Ducking my head under the water I keep my injured arm loose around my side as I use the other to scrub my scalp. I want this day to end, to go away. I don't want to think about it any longer. It's full of too much pain. Gasping I left my head out of the water and spit up what got in my mouth.
Washing the rest of my body, I clean off all the dirt that litters my skin then reach for the towel to wrap around myself. Sounding against the bedroom door, I look around the bathroom door and yell for them to come in.
"One minute Damian." I tell him as I quickly slip into some clothes, rather painfully due to my arm. Walking out I stare distastefully at my arm sling and the tall boots I'll need to lace up with a dead arm.
"Here," he says and tells me to sit, grabbing my boots he loosens them then gently eases them onto my feet.
"Thank you." I mutter while he ties them.
"I came to get you for dinner."
My stomach twists at the thought of food and I bite my tongue as he finishes. Grabbing the sling I wince as he lowers my arm into the correct position and puts the loop around my neck. "Are you okay?"
He nods, "I'm fine."
"Damian." I put my good hand on his arm, "you saw first hand how powerful Aura are. You saw Erebus almost put your entire town to sleep. You're not fine."
Sighing he drags his hand through his hair, "Telling you my problems aren't going to solve them."
"No," I stand up, "it won't."
Pursing his lips he nods, "Let's just get through the day. We can talk about everything we need to accomplish tomorrow."
"Dinner then?"
Sitting down at my seat at the table, I look across from me at Alexander and he gives me a curt nod while sporting a black eye. Clenching my hands under the table, I look at Damian's wounds as well and my heart heaves. I'm responsible for those. Cassian was angry with me. Under the table, Damian grabs the hand that I clench and unclench and gives it a squeeze. Sighing I take a deep breath and drop his hand to lift my fork. Meat and potatoes have never looked so disgusting. Tasting bile in my mouth I squirm in my seat and draw away from the plate. I know I should eat. I know I need to eat, but the food just looks like mud and tastes like sand in my mouth. I also fear that when I take a bite, it won't stay down.
"Eat something, Ari." Alexander says.
"Ariel." I turn to Damian and he rests his hand on my knee, "Please. Just an apple."
Taking the apple from him, I examine it in my hands and stare at the shiny red skin. I can eat this. I can take a bite. Can't I? Bringing it to my mouth I take a bite from its side and chew the fruit. Coating my tongue, the juice washes over my dry mouth and part of my stomach yells at its hunger. I can eat. I can eat. Taking another bite, one thing leads to another and I finish the apple just as soon as everyone else finishes their meal.
Setting the core down, I  wipe my mouth and take a sip of my water. Resting his hands in his lap the king looks at each of us then a small almost mischievous smile lights up his face.
"Would you all like to play hide and seek in the dark?"
Everyone freezes and I look at Damian to tell whether or not his father is joking. Meeting my eyes he shakes his head and I lean back in my seat.
"Why not, Dayme?"
He ignores Alexander and turns to me, "well?"
I shrug, "Who am I to argue with the king."
The king claps and rises from his seat. "We'll extend the game to the whole kingdom. Alexander, have Cayden ride out to give the invitations. I'll invite the staff. Damian, why don't you explain the rules to Ariel."
Shouting for joy Alexander runs out and I frown as Damian shakes his head with a light chuckle. "There's something wrong with this picture."
He twists my seat around so we're facing each other, "Explain."
"Don't you think it's odd that a king is giddy like a child and running around playing games?"
"No. My father has always loved hide and seek."
I shake my head, "Terrans and your hide and seek."
He grins and takes my good hand, "Let's go everyone will go to the library."
"I take it this isn't the first time you all have played?"
He sends me a wink as a reply and I mutter under my breath as he leads me to the library.
Cayden and Damian did not fail to get the word out. In fact the room is so packed my heart rate increases with every arm I dump into. Finding a secluded corner, I back myself into it and wrap my arms around myself. This reminds me of that room. Closed off, no free space around me, sickening heat. Pressing into the corner I take deep breaths and try to remind myself of where I am. I'm not there. I'm not there. Creeping into my mind like a ghost I feel the presence of Erebus' trail and I fight and easily lose against the pull. It sinks in deep, going to the spot where all my fears are hidden and sinks in its teeth. Skies I hate him. I hate him for this. For leaving me in fear. For planting fear. For ruining my mind. I hate how I can't fight it. Not like I used to. This is me now, living in total fear. All because of him. Dropping to my knees I clutch my throat and my injured shoulder screams as I press against the wall. It's not real. I'm not there. I'm not there. Stop. Stop.
Crouching in front of me I hear someone's knees crack and I twist my head to look up at them. Cayden. I see his lips move but I only grasp bits and pieces of what he's trying to say to me. Finally I see him shake his head while he stands and searches the room. Quietly his lips move in a twisted, unnatural way and I duck my head unable to look up at him any longer. I hate this. I hate it. Why did he do this? I ask that question as if I don't know the answer, but I do. He did this to weaken me. To show he still has control over me.
Joining Cayden another pair of boots stands beside him and I feel a faint but warm beat against my ribs. It feels like wings. Strong, swift, wings beating against my lungs. Gasping I look up just as Damian drops and pulls my hand off my throat.
"Breathe." he says quietly, "Breathe."
Wheezing I shake against his arm and he squeezes my hand tighter. "I'm sorry." I rasp, "I'm sorry. I tried, but I can't, he's getting stronger."
Grabbing my face between his hands he bends my head down to kiss my forehead, "I know." he mutters with his lips still resting against my skin, "I know."
"Why won't it go away?" my voice cracks, "I thought I was getting stronger."
"You are. Some battles just take longer to win. The main goal is to not give up."
"No surrender?"
He pulls back and nods, staring me straight in the eye, "No surrender."
Pursing my lips I find my breath again and Damian helps ease me onto my feet. Beside him, Cayden anxiously toys with a piece of his hair and I lightly touch his shoulder. Relaxing, his tense shoulders release and he sighs while shoving Damian out of the way so he can offer me his support. Righteing himself Damian glares at the stableboy and I ruffle Cayden's unruly hair.
"She's not just yours." Cayden says to Damian.
Damian gives him a blank stare, "What is she to you?"
Cayden shrugs, "Family."
I feel my heartbeat leap to my throat and I close my eyes as painful memories resurface. Cassian. Cassian calling me his family. Feeling a lump in my chest I fight back tears and instead hug Cayden, taking him by surprise. Holding him with my one good arm, I grin at his growth as he almost beats my height by an inch. Cayden is right. These people, Alexander, Dahlia, Damian, the king, and Cayden, have become a family to me. They've treated me like I'm family. For that I will forever be loyal to them.
"Thank you." I say to him and I feel him squirm against me.
"If you don't let me go I might take it back."
Laughing, I let him go and he grabs Damians arm and pushes him toward me, "I changed my mind," he says as he straightens his shirt, "She's all yours." he turns to me, "Hug him."
Rolling my eyes I smile as he walks away and Damian smirks as he disappears into the crowd. "That little Twig always surprises me."
"What do you mean?"
"Cayden has issues with attachment, he doesn't like getting close to people." he shrugs, "it's just surprising how attached he is to you from the short time you've been here, and that he would vocalize his feelings..." he trails and I feel my heart beat stronger as Caydens words chase away my panic.
Standing up on a chair, Alexander draws everyone's attention and Damian slips his hand into mine and I lean into him as Alexander starts explaining the rules of the game. Listening intently I mentally make a list of the place's we aren't allowed to hide and soon Alexander asks for volunteers to count. Raising their hands, Alexander picks out five people and I'm surprised to see Jared is one of them. Counting down, Alexander reaches one and soon all the lights go out and we all are plunged into darkness.
The game starts off like any game. People shout, curse, and trip over various objects as they all race out the library to find a hiding spot. Somehow I've managed to lose Damian in the rush. Staying in my spot in the corner, I quietly look over the counters and then my surroundings. Naturally, the seekers aren't going to assume that the people have chosen to hide in the room they count in, which is why I'm going to hide in here. Looking around, I frown at the lack of spots and then tilt my head up. I could hide in the beams. Grinning, I find a good solid shelf and quietly, just like the Phantom taught me, I make my way up. Straddling one of the beams, I scoot forward until I'm at a cross section where two beams meet to make an exit. Putting myself in the little cove, I press my back against one side and bend my knees to my chest to keep my legs from dangling. Controlling my breathing, I slow my breath and tilt my head to look out the window at the moonlight. At least here I'm not completely lost in the dark. It's harder for my fear to take control when I can still see the light from the moon. Even still I can feel it against my throat.
Below me the counters yell that they're coming and I hold my breath as they talk amongst themselves then spread out like a flock of ravens. Lastly the lone seeker leaves and I sigh with relief. Now, I wait.
By minute ten, my legs have cramped so much I can barely feel them. Even worse my back is tingling and my stupid shoulder burns from the climb up here. Cursing under my breath, I look at my sling and use my teeth to pull the knot out. Wincing I take my arm out and hold it against my lap. Just as I'm about to readjust my position the loud sound of voices fill my ears and I turn just as the door opens and a large group of people flock into the space. Clutching my sling I look down and try to find familiar faces.
My eyes widen when I spot the king among them.
Doing a quick head count, I bite my lip as I total how many people still need to be found. Five. Including myself. Leaning my head back, I debate whether or not I was smart of stupid picking this spot to hide. On one hand I was right about the seekers immediately leaving, but on the other hand I now have to make sure I don't make a noise that draws the attention of the people below me. I also probably made my shoulder worse.
Hearing a loud shout, I nearly fall off as the voice startles me.  Training my eyes, I search for the disruption and see two younger boys, about twelve and thirteen, circling each other. Ah, a little entertainment. Grinning, I watch as they fight one another for show and the crowd starts to egg them on. The younger boy is the first to strike and my eyebrows lift in surprise as his arm moves so fast the older boy doesn't have time to block the punch, much less know what direction it's coming from. Connecting with the underside of his jaw, the older boy backs up and shakes his head. Smirking, the younger boy waits patiently and my inner Phantom screams at him to keep going. Shaking off his punch, the older boy rolls his shoulders and they tease each other as the older boy drives a hard kick to the other's side. Gaining the upper hand, the older boy takes advantage of his unbalance and knocks him off his feet. Round one goes to the older boy.
"Two left!" someone shouts from the door.
I turn and find that Jared announced the total, "If I'm right it's the prince and the Flyer."
I nearly roll my eyes. Of course it's down to me and him. Gathering his other seekers, Jared speaks quietly to them and they all give a nod before sprinting opposite directions. Rubbing my aching shoulder, I watch as one seeker stays in the library and starts examining the shelves and tables. All they would have to do is look up and scan the ceiling. Holding my breath I watch them pass right under me and leave from the side door.
I hope Damian get's found before me, that way I could rub my win in his face. Sighing I feel something slip out of my fingers and I gasp as my sling drops from my lap and sways downward. Watching it go, I cross my fingers as it lands on Cayden's shoulder. Frowning he picks it up and I watch his mouth quirk up. Slowly he looks up and I panic as he finds me. Smirking at me, he gives a little shake of his finger's in acknowledgement, and I shake my head silently begging him not to tell. He sends me a 'what's in it for me?' look and I glare at him. Racking my brain I come up with an idea and grab the  piece of paper I shoved into my pocket after I found it on my floor. Looking around, I spot a pen on a desk and I try to make up a distraction so I can use my power to grab it. Seeing the large doors swinging on their hinges I smile and signal Cayden to give me a minute. Twisting my fingers by my side, I send a breeze against the doors and the slam loudly closed. Gasping the crowd turns and I quickly wrap another wind around the pen and fly up to my lap. Giving myself a mental praise, I start writing on the piece of paper then motion for Cayden to stand right under me. Doing as I say, he lines himself up and I drop the paper at his feet. Unrolling it he steps out so I can see his face and sends me a thumbs up.
I nod at him and he turns away and keeps his mouth closed. Thank the sky.
Five minutes after my near escape Jared and the seekers come back dragging a slightly disheveled Damian behind them. "What happened to you?" I hear Alexander ask with a chuckle.
"He was hiding in the kitchen, under the stove."
Laughing Alexander slaps Damian on the shoulder, "Well sorry, Twig, but your girl beat you."
Damian sighs and I bite back my laugh as he mumbles under his breath. "Ariel!" Jared shouts with his hands around his mouth, "If you can hear me you won! Come out!"
"I think you made my ears bleed." I say.
Jerking around, Damian sharply turns and I grin at him as the crowd finds me in the beams. "How...?" Alexander breathes.
I shrug and I hear Dahlia laugh, "You were literally right above me." Jared says.
"Almost gave it away too," Cayden says standing next to Damian, "she dropped her sling." he hands the cloth over and I flinch.
"Ariel, I swear. You were stabbed!" Damian exclaims.
"I got up here fine didn't I?"
Damian sends me a cold glare, "How badly did it hurt?"
"Not bad." almost doing the impossible his glare deepens, "Fine. Yes, it hurts. But it was worth beating your sorry face."
"Get down." he says, "now."
I train my eyes on Alexander, "He's mad isn't he?"
"Practically steaming." Damian punches his shoulder. "Scratch that, he is steaming."
"So do I want to come down there."
"Yes." "No." both the boys frown at each other and the crowd laughs as I dangle my legs over the side.
"Come down, Ariel." speaks the king, with a bemused smile.
Doing as he says, I take a deep breath and firmly grasp my bad arm. Holding it against my abdomen I drop from the beams and the crowd gasps and Jared and Cayden dive to catch me. Shaking my head at them, I use the wind to catch myself and control my fall so I can end it in a roll. Standing up right in front of me they blink with amazement and Jared shakes his head while backing away.
"That was cool." Cayden says then looks at Damian, "he might kill you."
"Nah, he'll just be very annoyed."
Grinning, Cayden salutes and walks over to a pretty girl about his age, in the corner I previously held. Stalking forward, Damian moves over to me and Alexander follows close on his heels. Peeking around Damian and his tall figure that he likes to flaunt over me, I high five Alexander who nudges Damian aside. Taking the sling from his hand, Alexander helps me put it back on.
"I won't go full pissed off Sap on you," he says as he secures it around my neck, "but please refrain from crawling around the rafters with a stab wound."
Nodding, I thank him for helping me and Damian takes his place in front of me, "That was stupid." he growls, "you're injured, Aura. You need to let yourself heal."
I shrug, "I wanted to win."
He narrows his eyes and throws his hands up in desperation, "How do you manage to turn a child's game into a dangerous stunt that enrages me?"
I kiss the side of his jaw, "Talent."
At my touch he relaxes but pushes me back, "No. You don't get to just kiss me so I'll stop being mad at you."
Turning around I grin when he can't see me and count the seconds it takes him before he grabs my wrist, the one not in a sling, and spins me around. Nine seconds. It took him nine seconds to cave. Weak.
Tilting my chin up with his thumb he looks down at me and I feel the hum of our bond strong against my side. Soaring to life at his closeness and touch, "Somedays I wish we could go back to being enemies so I could punch you without remorse."
"Sap." I say to him and his arm tightens around my waist.
"I'm going to kill  Alexander."
"Touch him and I swear I'll never look at you again, Terran."
He raises an eyebrow, "Is there something I should know about you two?"
Moving out of his grip, I back away with a wicked smile splayed across my face that sends a fearful ripple over Damians eyes, "Possibly."
Smirking, I spin on my heel and I hear him call, "I miss the Aura that just sulked!"
"The thrill of falling off the rafters helped with giving me spirit!" I say back to which he groans.
Finding me, Cayden appears by my side and pinches my wrist, "Be the way, I don't miss the Aura that sulked." he winks and side steps away, "I like this one a lot better."
Nobody seemed like they wanted to leave. It's like we all are just pretending. That for right now, in the moment, sitting together around the library, there is no war. There is no threat coming in two days. There is no promise of death. We are escaping. Together. Leaning back against Damian's chest, his laugh vibrates against my back and the sound soothes the anxiety twisting around my stomach. After the game, the king invited everyone to stay and now we all sit in various groups around the room sharing stories and eating treats. Well they eat, I just rest against Damian as his arms circle around my waist and Alexander entertains us with the numerous stories he has. Even the king is staying awake well into the night with us. Again I am shocked by how tightly knit this race is. They all act like a family. The fact that they let me, an outsider, enemy, sky trash, sit among them helps fill the void I've always long to erase. Taking in everyone around me I drift from face to face until I have them all memorized.
Alexander, a brother and friend that never ceases to bring a smile to my face.
The king, who opened his arms to me and gave me truth.
Dahlia, the first person who showed me the Terrans true colors and my first friend.
Jared, though rough and concealed, has made himself my protector.
Cayden, the boy who is currently resting his head on my leg, is a mischievous little brother. Always grinning and always by my side.
And finally Damian. Twisting my head around I look up, well, at  his chin and think over everything that's happened to us. We were enemies, bound to hate each other, bound to eventually kill each other. Both of us broken and scarred. I was his prison for a time, he had me in chains and let his men torture me to get information, he listened and hurt me but here we are now. We found pieces of ourselves in each other, and I suppose that's what Adeena intended. She wanted us to heal each other, lean on each other, fight together, and be together. She knew that I would need him, and he would need me. Together we create a song. A song of hope. Reaching up I place a kiss against the underside of his jaw and he leans back to look down at me. Holding my eyes, I take in every shade and speckle in his and put that picture somewhere I will never forget.
Damian is an arrogant, possessive, morontic, prince, and despite all of that I thank the sky that I got him.
"You two make me sick." Alexander says and feigns a gag.
"You're just jealous." Damian says and breaks his eyes from mine.
Alexander sticks out his tongue and the group buzzes with laughter. Shaking my head I look down and play with a few strands of Cayden's hair. "Don't ruin their moment." Cayden says.
"They're ruining my desert." Alexander mutters in reply.
Glaring at him I snap and a blast of wind sends his plate of desert upward and into his face. Gasping he slaps the floating tray away and I coil my wind through his hair and send it up in awkward angles. Doubling over Dahlia points a finger at the treats coating his face and then breaks down in giggles falling to her back. Against my leg Cayden hoots and throws a fist in the air. Even gloomy Jared cracks a smile.
"For being a princess you sure don't have any manners."
The group stills and Dahlia and Jared exchange a look with me while a few of them in our group that I don't know gasp, including Cayden. Jerking upright Cayden gets up and starts dancing in the middle of the group while slapping Damian on the shoulder so hard he pushes forward and I hiss as his arm knocks into my shoulder. Reeling back, Damian mumbles an apology and I wave him off as I watch him pull Cayden's feet out from under him.
"You proposed!" Cayden says with a squeal that matches that of a teenage girl.
Clearing my throat I slap his shoulder , "No. I'm not a Terran princess."
He pauses, "Then?"
Raking my hand through my hair I bite my lip, "I was an Aura princess."
The few soldiers and townspeople share a look before one of the men I trained breathes a steady, "Intended."
I nod, "That's an old life." I say to them as much as myself, "I'm not Intended any more."
Looking to Alexander I plead with him to start a different conversation and he doesn't fail. Soon he has everyone, even the teenage boy with a girl scream, tranced into one of his tails. Sagging with relief I rub my shoulder as the ache of Cassian brings the wound back to life. I am not Intended, not anymore, but that doesn't mean I miss some parts of her. Leaning down Damian kisses my cheek and I twist sideways so my good shoulder is rested against his chest, my head is twisted so I still face the group rather than the wall, and my knees are pulled to my chest as Damian bends his in front of them and behind my back. Handing us a blanket, Cayden settles down at my feet and I almost laugh at him. For being a teenage boy he really loves to be close to me.
Quietly I watch Alexander's wild arm movements and soon the sound of his voice, and the warmth from Damian slowly lowers me down into sleep.

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