Why Didn't You Say Anything!?!?

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It's been Six Years since that day and from then on, no one has heard from Naruto...

Not a whisper...

A visual...

Not even a body found...

Minato has noticed that his eldest hasn't really been seen around town but Sarutobi was the one that told him that the boy would turn up sooner or later...

Playing Minato and Kushina's game - which they didn't like. It's not like they didn't love Naruto, he just doesn't have Chakra and they really needed to focus on his siblings's training so that they could protect him...

Even if the two didn't want to protect Naruto, they trusted that they would when the time came...

Iruka came in and dropped off some papers for Minato but he noticed that he didn't even look him in his eyes...

He put them down with the Hokage saying...

Minato: Thank you...

Iruka: ...

He bowed and began to leave out after that...

Minato: Iruka?

Iruka: ...

Minato: How are Narumi and Menma doing?

Iruka: Fine.

Minato: Their grades?

Iruka: Straight.

Minato: What about Combat - wise?

Iruka: Only second to Sasuke with Kiba being forth...

Minato: I see... have you heard from Naruto?

Iruka: ...

Minato: I'm guessing that's a no, right?

Iruka: ... With all due respect, Lord Fourth...

Minato: ...

Iruka looked at him with a heated glare and said...

Iruka: Why don't YOU go and look for him?

Minato: ...

The blonde lowered his eyes at him as he left out...

He was only asking because after the Uchiha Genocide, he had to watch his people more carefully...

And that included the boy...

Not even the Anbu could find him...

Minato: ... Sigh, I'm sure it's fine...

With Kushina, she was making her way to Sarutobi's place of living to go and check on him...

She hasn't heard anything from the old man and wanted to know if he keeled over or not. When she got there, she found that his door was unlocked...

Kushina: Hm?

And made her way in to see that he just got back in, bandaging his arm...

Kushina: Oh, ok, you're not dead...

Sarutobi looked at the red head and gave way to a disapproving expression that didn't go unnoticed...

He stood and said...

Sarutobi: Lady Uzumaki, to what do I owe the pleasure?

Kushina: I just came to check on you. You don't come by the Hokage Mansion anymore.

Sarutobi: Because I am not Hokage anymore.

She began to look around the place...

Kushina: That's not all the way true, you still have power.

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