Genin Title

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At the moment right now, everyone was sitting in class with their parents standing at the top. Minato and Kushina smiled for the people but as for their kids...


Kushina/Narumi: ??


Tsume: The hell?

Kiba and Menma glared at Naruto with a burning hatred while he ignored them.

They saw that the two glared at him while Ino noticed that Sasuke's eye was on the boy too...

Ino: Why is HE looking at the weird guy now!?

Sakura just looked at them dumbfounded while Shika rolled his eyes. Shino did smirk though, he was waiting on someone to put Kiba in his place before his pride got to him...

Choji just found him way cooler than Sasuke who was considered the coolest in school...

Minato leaned into Inoichi and whispered...

Minato: That boy...

Inoichi: ?

He looked where his Kage was looking...

Minato: He's taken the entire school by storm, even more so than Sasuke - which is surprising. Do you know who he is?

Inoichi: Oh! Uhhh.

Minato: Hm?

Minato now looked at Inoichi who put his hands up and backed up with a sweatdropped...

Inoichi: Apologies My Lord Hokage. But I don't want any part of that problem.

Minato: Problem?

Kushina: ?

Now he was certain that he knew because he was dodging the question. Kushina looked at Tsume who avoided her gaze along with Shikaku and Choza.

The pinkette sighed but looked at the boy but when she did, she felt that he also had other eyes on him as well...

When she looked up, she saw that Hinata was looking his way too...

Sakura: Huh?

It was like she was drawing him almost which would've been adorable if she was actually doing it...

Sakura: Hinata has been a little bit more giddy but no one could ever figure it out... unless.

She looked at Naruto...

Sakura: Naruto's the reason. But that's madness right? Hinata's jittery around everyone.

Since they were waiting in silence for Iruka, she went ahead and passed a note to him which Mebuki saw and glared...

Naruto: ?

The red head looked at it, but Sakura didn't pay attention to the fact that EVERYONE saw it.

Ino: PASSING NOTES!?!??? She really has it bad for this guy, doesn't she!?

Menma: 💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢

Naruto looked at what it said...

"Are you really like some bad guy or something?"

Naruto: ?

"Cause anytime people ask about you - they don't want to talk about it. What did you do?"

Naruto: ...

He crumbled up the paper and threw it away...



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