Part 1- W O R K

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Lilian woke up in agony, she hates waking up. She got dressed, made coffee, and sprang onto her couch. She put on the news, it seems as a criminal escaped a prison. 'Their fault for putting such a highly skilled criminal into a cheap ass prison' Lilian thought. She looked at the clock and realized she's up one hour earlier then what she usually is up by. Work doesn't start until 7:30 and she's fully awake at 6:27. 'Oh well, guess I'll be earlier then expected' Lili thought. She grabbed her purse and car keys and headed out. She went to a medium sized building called "Sicarius" (named after Lilian's family last name). Sicarius was the place Lili worked at. Lili hopped out of her car and walked towards the building, jigging her key into the door and opening it, she was greeted by her little brother, Emporio. "Hey big sis!!" Said Emporio. "Oh hey Emporio, what are you doing up this early? You usually sleep in on week days" said Lili. "Oh Dad is working early and today he said that he'll buy me a new hat and I wanted to make sure I got the hat I want because after that last one he got me I haven't trusted him getting my stuff since!" Emporio replied back. Lili didn't know what to say so she nodded he head up and down and shuffled off into her dads office thinking how silly her little brother is. She opened her dads door and there he was sitting writing away in a new file for a new job. "Are you making a new file there dad?" Lili said. Her father looked up in shock and was a little startled, "oh my god it's literally 7:15, you usually come at 7:25" He said. "I somehow set my alarm a hour early" Lili said, "But what kind of gig did u get for the company?. The dad looked at her and smiled, rubbing his hands together deviously, "I hit the jackpot!! I got the biggest Offer yet!" He said joyously. "Oh? What is it?" Lili pondered. "Do you know the Wakalski family? They wanted me to set up a file for guarding their daughters sweet 16! They showed me around their mansion and I saw their family heirloom!! It's a beautiful Diamond cut necklace with amethyst engraved in the string. It was made in 1760 by Mr. Wakalski's Great grandfather. He said its worth 12M dollars but would never sell it. For the bonus I've been thinking of putting it as that necklace, that's what makes this the biggest offer yet!!" Lili's dad rambled. 'Oh my god, 12M? I could do so much with that...I should take it!!' Lili thought. "Hey dad, I could take the job! I'll get that bonus to!" Lili enthusiastically said. "Sweetheart, I have to warn you, taking on this job is a deathwish. Mr. Wakalski is a very scary man. I'm not stopping you ofc but still, it's a warning" Lili's dad said ominously. "Pffft, don't worry I can take it. How hard could it be?" Lili said carelessly. "Alright but I warned you" Lili's dad said, "I'll call him right now to tell him I got someone okay?". Lili nodded up and down signaling agreement. Lili's dad was writing down on a post-it note, "Ok, you'll go to this address on the 6th okay? Lili's dad said. Lili grabbed the note, "Ok thanks dad!" Lili said. Her dad smiled at her and went to grab his phone to call Mr. Wakalski.

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