P-13 M Y. M Y. M E D I C A L. H I S T O R Y

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My biological mother had me when she was 18. My father was a drunkie 30 year old that had kidnapped her. My biological mother had to put me up for adoption because she couldn't afford anything for my health. I went through foster homes again and again up until i was 12, a family had finally adopted me forever. They were really rich and were very nice to me. When I was 16 i started having weird voices in my head telling me to do stuff and started hallucinating weird things. It went on for a year until my mother took me to the doctors and that's when I found out I had the type Paranoid schizophrenia. I always had to take these weird and nasty pills to counter it. The pills helped but I started having nightmares that I couldn't differentiate from reality so I had to take different pills to counter the schizophrenic pills. When I turned 18 i found out my mother had hated me all my life. She used to talk shit about me and said that I would always be a stupid whore and sell my body to what ever man calls me beautiful. I wanted revenge. I payed someone all of my mothers life savings to seduce and flirt with her, his name was Hisoka. Hisoka would act like our delivery man and would always flirt with my mom. Not even 2 days after their encounter my mother had already hooked up with him. I got evidence my mother was cheating on my father and showed my father of it at the dinner table where my whole family was . I had a little sister I looked after as if she was blood related to me, so I told her not to go to eat dinner that day. My mother was furious. They had a screaming match while I was smiling at my mothers peril. My dad told her she had 2 days to leave. I went to bed while they were still going at it on each-other. The next day when I went to grab my pills they were gone. I seen the capsules broken up in the trash can, only one person would have to mind to do this..my mother. I went to the pharmacy to get a new prescription of pills and got some Nightquil and sprite. It was my turn to make dinner that night so I prepared a beautiful filet mignon and poured the Nightquil and sprite together in a wine glass. I poured some wine in my fathers glass the same color as the concoction so it wouldn't look suspicious. I sat down looking at my mother as she drinked the concoction. She started choking and couldn't breath. My father called the medics and ambulance as I sat there watching her die. The police medics came trying to resurrect my "mother". The police searched the glass and the concoction had a name. It was called "lean". I was the main suspect since I had made the drinks and such and few minutes later they found my finger prints on the Nightquil and Sprite in the garbage. I was sentenced to jail for 20 years. I hated it there. I still had my medication, I had an idea. I would use my Schizophrenia as an excuse. There I was in court infront of everyone. I told everyone that I couldn't take my pills because my mother had dumped them out of spite that I had exposed her of cheating and my illness had made me do the things. Surprisingly, I had gotten out of that whole situation. My father didn't believe me though. I was kicked out of the family forever sadly. 18 years old kicked off into the streets...how sad. I turned to gambling as a coping mechanism. Now people should never gambling for any reason but I found so much pleasure in it, and I was good at it. I couldn't just gamble for life though...I needed a job, and more pills. I wasn't good at anything other then gambling, and killing. I found myself reading a flyer, a flyer for a place named Sicarius. It seemed to have every little thing I was good at in it, so I took the job...

- Ana

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