Part 4- C A S I N O. G I R L

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Lili took some time to see what other workers worked at Sicarius and got 4 people. The first one was at a casino. Lili went to the casino and tried to find the person. The person has black hair, 5'3, and was good at gambling. The person had a part-time job at the casino. Lili was walking and walking until she seen a girl with black hair with a red velvet dress on that was tied into a flowing swirl pattern, she had a crystal necklace on, she had cigarette earrings on that hung down to her shoulder, green eyes, and a dead flower placed perfectly onto her hair. She also had a chihuahua in her lap looking at the person across from her in a mean way. "Annnnnnd I won, now that 500 in cash?" She said. The guy looked at her and chuckled, "That was just cheap luck for a little lady like you, I demand a rematch". He look about 50, wrinkled eyes, sagging cheeks, and a really pushed back hairline...yeesh. "I don't do rematches with assholes, now pay up." she shot back, eyes scrunched and nose flared. The wretched man swung his beastly, hairy arm upon her but her chihuahua...her chihuahua did something Lili would never forget. Her chihuahua stripped an enormous chunk out of the guys face. "Oh my, you make such a mess Pandora, come on we must clean up" she said chuckling. The woman's dog dragged the dead body of the man into a dark room, with the woman following. ' Jesus Christ...that was..something, but the way she brushed it off, that must be her!' Lili thought. Lili started following carefully and cautiously. Lili entered a room. The room was kinda dark, there was only a dim light, lots of boxes, yet it was mysterious. Only one table sat in the middle of the dark. Lili followed her in. The lady put her chihuahua up on a table...

Perhaps in another universe Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon