P3- G R A C E F U L. R I B B O N S

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The security crept towards her, she thought she was done for. She felt something hit her in the back but could see what it was. She felt weird though. A origami shaped frog with glowing red eyes appeared. It opened its mouth and two ribbons came out of it hitting all of the security guards. The ribbons looked like the frogs tongues and turned the guards into a ribbon like texture and then ate them. Lili was scared but the frog jumped on Lili's shoulder. Lili looked at the frog in shock. "W-what are you.." she said. The frog just looked at her. It had a sea foam green aura behind it and so did Lili. "Wait. My dad told me about u things. Your a stand aren't you? But how, how did you appear?? You know what. I'll call you Graceful Ribbons. I don't know how you appeared but u sure are fucking cool." Lili stood up with the frog next to her shoulder and ran away. She went to Sicarius and made her way towards her dads office. She went inside and seen her dad on the phone. He was talking to someone. "I'm sorry but I don't know who she is, I have to go, goodbye" Lili's dad said. "WHAT DID YOU DO??" Shouted the dad. "I tried stealing the damn necklace but failed!!" Lili shouted back. "See I told you, this offer was hard" "you didnt have to rub it in dad", they kept bouncing off eachother until Lili shouted "I WILL STEAL THAT NECKLACE IF ITS THE LAST THING I DO. IM STILL DOING THE OFFER BECAUSE OF THAT BONUS. I WILL GET THAT NECKLACE YOU'LL SEE" and stormed off. Her dad shaking his head sighing. Lili went to her house and pondered how she would get that necklace. She kept thinking and finally got an idea, she was gonna make a gang of atleast 4 people to help her get that necklace and to make it fair they each will get 1M dollars.

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