P8- D R U N K. M O N K E Y

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The father sprinted towards Narancia and pinned him to the ground. Lili and Ana ran towards him trying to pull the father off Narancia. The father pulled out a gun at pointed it at Narancia, the ladies stepped back. "MOVE ANOTHER INCH AND ILL BLAST HIS FUCKING BRAINS OUT" He shouted. "THEN DO IT FUCK HEAD" Narancia shouted back,"ITS NOT LIKE YOU EVER CARED ABOUT ME ANYWAY. The father cocked the gun back and pointed it right between his eyes. "Shoot him and I'll blast you motherfucker " Ana said. The father turned around and seen Ana pointing a gun at him that was fully loaded. The two stared at each other until Narancia kicked his dad off him, knocking him out. Narancia got up wiping the dirt from his pants off and looked down at his dad. After a few seconds he spat on him and walked away. "So no thank you???" Ana said. Narancia stopped and turned at them, "Why did you even come for me in the first place?" He said. "Because I know you want to join us, your dad is knocked out unconscious, just come already. Back in that cabin you basically said that you wanted to but couldn't because of him but now is your chance!!" Lili said. "NO!! I'm not coming, I'm only doing this for your safety, I don't want my dad to go after you because of me." Narancia said. "We can protect ourselves trust me." Ana said. Narancia looked up in the sky in distress, "Alright fine!! But if any of you die because of him I'm not gonna be surprised or in shock" Narancia said. "Alright that's settled!! Let's go over to the car!!" Lili said. They went back into the forest for a good 40 minutes and went into the car. Lili and the others drove off to their next location. They heard a big thumping sound behind them. "Do you hear that? Ana said. "Yeah I do" Narancia said. They looked behind them and there was Narancia's father in a metallic gorilla suit storming towards them quickly. "Is that- HOLYY SHIT, LILI SPEED THE FUCK UP" Ana screamed anxiously, freaking out. Lili pushed the pedal with heavy weight and the car was zooming, Narancia's father was catching up either way...

Perhaps in another universe Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum