P11- H E Y. J U D E

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Aryanna opened her bosses door and walked inside. "Hey Mr. Hisoka, you wanted to see me?" Aryanna said. "Mmm yes I did, I've seen you took your break a little early, do you have a reason for that?" Hisoka said. "Well there was this REALLY irritating dude that would not shut the fuck up and thank god one of the strippers took him away, I was about to lose my shit, I had a big headache after him so I just went outside for my break" Aryanna explained. "Mmmmmm but what did I tell you about taking a break early?" Hisoka said easing his eyebrow. Aryanna looked at him with annoyance, "that it's unacceptable and if I did I would have to clean your office" Aryanna said rolling her eyes. "Mmmmmmhm so up-up! Get to work my little worker!!" He said getting out of his chair to walk out of his office booping her on the nose on the way out. Aryanna couldn't leave until she had cleaned, he always had a guard by the closed door to make sure workers didn't leave and if they did the guard would have to inspect the office to make sure the workers did a good job. The door closed and she knew she was screwed. 'How in the hell would I get out of here?' Aryanna thought. She looked up and seen a vent, she had an idea. She walked over to the desk and stepped on some random woman's blue, polka dot panties, ew. Hisoka was known for doing some fun in his office with women or the strippers in his building. Aryanna picked up a glass cup that has a little bit of alcohol in it, she dumped it out, broke it in the quietest way she could and made a little cut in her arm but enough to starts bleeding. Blood flowed out and the blood turned into a spider. Aryanna went in her purse and took out a bandaid to put it on her cut and held the spider up to the vent. She signaled it to go inside. The spider went inside the vent. She went close to the vent, close enough where she could see the spider and the screws that held the vent together. The spider turned into a screwdriver and started unscrewing the screws. The vent popped open and the screwdriver quickly turned back into regular blood and made a very small puddle. Aryanna went inside the vent and tried to find her way out. She went one way but that lead to the bar's fun rooms. She went the other way, fell and rolled down and hit the vent to outside. "Goddamn that hurt, gonna be sore the next day, now how do I get out." Aryanna mumbled to herself. A woman walked up to the vent and crouched down, it was...

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