P-12 H E Y. J U D E. P2

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Aryanna was stuck in the vent and saw a lady come up, it was Ana. "You need help there?" Ana said. "Please" Aryanna said with a pouty face. Ana got a screw driver and unscrewed the vent open. Aryanna fell out face first. Ana was laughing her ass off at Aryanna. Aryanna took the bandaid off a little, there was still some blood that wasn't dried up. The blood turned into a ant and the ant walked up Ana's leg and bit her. Ana stopped laughing and started to itch like crazy on her leg. Aryanna was giggling. Ana seen the blood red ant and thought it was a fire ant and started freaking out. The blood ant turned back into blood and the blood dripped down Ana's leg. "You should've seen the look in your face!!" Aryanna shouted with laughter. "YOU BITCH, YOU DID THIS?" Ana said. "Yeah that's my stand, I named it Hey Jude, I can manipulate blood into anything I want depending on how much blood there is. I can only manipulate blood that isn't dried up" Aryanna explained. "There you are!! Where have you been??" Lili said running towards them while Narancia was following her. "Long story but I'm here now!!" Aryanna said with Excitement. Hisoka went to his office. "I hope everything is spotless" he said looking down at his phone. When he looked up all he saw was blood dripping from the opened vent and blood stained glass on the ground with a bunch of other glass shards. "SHE ESCAPED? Ugh, I'll have to have security collect her. She isn't going anywhere" Hisoka said with a annoyed tone. The group was in the car, Lili was driving, Ana was in the front passenger seat, and Aryanna and Narancia were in the back. Lili was driving to their next destination, the Wakalski Mansion. As they were on the road, Lili was playing music on the radio and California Girls by Katy Perry started playing. Narancia and Aryanna were jamming out and Lili turned the music up for them. Ana kept getting her seat accidentally kicked by Narancia while him and Aryanna were jammin. Ana heard some gun shots and turned the music down. Narancia and Aryanna were yelling at her, "Hey, why'd you do that!!!" Aryanna said angrily. "Did you guys not hear those gun shots?" Ana said. The two shook their head no. Ana looked up at Lili and Lili shook her head no too. "You might be hearing things" Lili said and turned the music back up. Ana just went in her purse, took her headphones out, and played some of her own music to relax. Few minutes later she heard gunshots again. Ana took her headphones off and turned down the music. She kept hearing them coming. "DO YOU GUYS NOT HEAR THOSE GUN SHOTS?" Ana shouted. "No we don't" Lili said looking at her like she's crazy. Ana rolled down the window and seen someone in the distance on a motorcycle. They has a helmet on so she couldn't see them. "Someone is following us, step on that fucking gas" Ana said. "What? No one is out there" Lili said...

Perhaps in another universe Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt