Part 2- W A K A L S K I

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The past 12 days Lili's been on a joy ride thinking about how she would spend her 12M. March 6th was finally here and she was getting her best clothes on aka a tuxedo like a basic bitch. She went off into 168 hills while dancing in her car thinking about her sweet 12M dollars. She finally arrived and oh my god, the mansion looked so beautiful. She loved every aspect of it. She went up to a round man with blush red cheeks with some fancy attire on. "Um excuse me, are you Mr. Wakalski?" Lili asked to the round man. He turned around and said "Why yes I am! Who might you be?". "Oh my name is Lilian Sicarius, I'm here to be your guard." Lili said. "Ohhh your one of the little workers Mr. Sicarius sent, pleased to meet you. Let me show you around, the party doesn't start until 10pm!" Mr Wakalski said. Mr Wakalski was showing Lili all the rooms, where to not be at during this hour, and other shit. He finally went to his room. "Here is my room! You are strictly prohibited to being here, but just incase I'll show you around here. Here is my closet. In here I have my most prized possession" Mr Wakalski kept rambling about while Lili was thinking ' That must be where the necklace is!'. "Again you are strictly prohibited from being here. You will be in the dining room" Mr Wakalski said. Lili went off into the dining room and thought up a plan to get inside a closet. It was 11pm and a bunch of rich snotty people were there. Lili waited until it was cake time. A huge vanilla frosted cake with roses all over it came out. Lili started to make her way towards Mr Wakalski's room. She opened his door and went towards the closet. Seems that u need a combination to get inside. The necklace was for sure in there. She took the lock and started to crack the combo. Lili was always good at lock picking and combo cracking, her dad taught her. The closet opened and there it was, the beautiful necklace. Lili looked around and seen cameras and a trip wire. She took one step in carefully. Then another, and so on. She managed to avoid the trip wire and other traps and started to stare at the necklace. "Wow. Such a pretty thing." She whispered. She picked up the necklace and made her way towards the exit. She took one step out but a alarm went off. She started to freak out and heard people rushing up. She seen a window nearby and decided to jump out. Unfortunately she fell next to security and started to make a run for it. Several security members were shooting at her. Lili's heart was racing, she has never been in this type of situation. She tripped and accidentally threw the necklace but she was in such panic that she didn't realize. The security started making their way towards her

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