Part 7- I N T O. T H E. F O R E S T O U T. W I T H. R E G R E T

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The girls drive off. They drove off into a weird looking forest. It looked like it had rained there and there was a bunch of trees. They pulled up infront of a side walk, "Here's our stop" Lili said. "A forest? Really? What's our next partner a fucking iguana?" Ana said with sarcasm. "Haha very funny now let's go" Lili said while rolling her eyes. They walked for about 20 minutes through the green wet grass. Ana kept squirming complaining about how wet the grass was and how dirty it was here in the forest. Lili just tuned out her complaints and kept going. "Ughhhhh, are we-" "YES WE ARE HERE FOR FUCKS SAKE ANA" Lili said cutting off Ana. They saw a wooden cabin, it was fairly big, but not too big. It looked like it was made by hand! "Alright let's knock in the door" Lili said. Lili went up to the door and knocked twice. The door opened and a Short, possibly 5'6, teenage boy with a McDonald's uniform on. "What?" He said. "You work for Sicarius right?" Lili said. The boy got quiet. "What are you cops?" He said in a stern tone looking them up in down. "No I work for Sicarius to, I'm Lilian Sicarius" Lili said. "Ohhhh you're the bosses daughter, alright come in I guess" the boy said. Ana, holding her chihuahua, and Lili walked into the cabin. "So, what brings you guys here?" The man said. "You know that offer that has a 12M dollar bonus, I'm trying to get it but I need help. I already have one person on board, I need two more until we're ready...are you up for it?" Lili said and asked. "I mean, I could but it's just my father, he would never let me." The boy said. "Well I mean, he's not around, you could just walk out with us now" Ana said holding Pandora. "Yeah but I'm basically watched 24/7" He heard a loud creaking noise, "ugh, I shouldn't have let you guys in, you need to get out now" the boy said. "But you'll be safe with us, honest" Lili said. "I can't, I'm sorry" the boy said and walked off on them going upstairs. "Well, that's that" Ana said and was on her way leaving but Lili cut her off, "No, he definitely wants to join but there's something stopping us from that happening...but what" Lili said. "There was unlocking at the door and the two ladies hid behind the couch. A tall man came through that looked fairly drunk but not wasted. He had Black, short, messy hair, an unbuckled belt, shaggy clothes, and a sweating face. "NARANCIAAAA" he yelled. "GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!!!". The boy came down quickly. "Yes dad" he said rolling his eyes. "His name must be Narancia" Lili muttered herself. "Why aren't you at work already, you lazy ass, YOU ARE A MAN!! YOU SHOULDN'T BE WORKING AT MCDONALDS!! YOUR SUCH A FAILURE!!" The man shouted. "Yeah yeah we go over this everyday, you've only told me like 100 times" Narancia said. Narancia stormed out the door but his father chased him down. "Damnnnnn that's crazy" Ana said quietly. Lili nudged Ana shutting her up, "We need to get him, who knows what that asshole father will do" Lili said. Lili and Ana ran off following them. They caught up to them as Narancia was arguing with his father. "HEY YOU" Lili shouted at him. The father looked at Lili in shock. "So you brought friends to get you outta here?" The father said in a stern tone. "No dad it isn't like that!" Narancia shouted back in worry. "YOU BITCH" the father said and sprinted towards him in heaving steps...

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