P-14. A M I O R A M I N O T?

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BANG! BANG! BANG!! Gunshots kept being fired and Ana kept going crazy. "Jesus girl, you alright? Did you take your meds today?" Aryanna said giggling. "Meds? meds...MEDS!! SHIT I FORGOT TO TAKE THE MEDS TODAY!" Ana said frantically. She ripped open her purse and searched and searched every corner, crease, possible space but...no medication. The gunshots kept getting louder and louder, Ana looked out the window and...and saw her medication bottle on the ground? In the road? "What the fuck" Ana quietly worded with her mouth. "LILI STOP THE CAR!!" Ana shouted. Lili frightened, heavily pressed the brakes halting the car to a stop. "Ana you good?" Lili asked. Ana didn't hear, she crazily rushed to open the car door, running out in the middle the the street to get her "medication". "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" Narancia screamed at Ana. Ana picked up the bottle with her sweaty hands, opened the capsule, and took some of her pills. "Ahh much better, where were we?" Ana said refreshed. Everyone looked at her crazy, even strangers off the street. "What?" Ana questioned without a thought in her brain. "Ana you just...y-y-you just...." Aryanna said shocked and flabbergasted before throwing up thick, green, slimy, chunky vile of puke. Lili walked up to Ana furiously and in confusion, slapping the "bottle" out of her hand AND Ana's pale cheek. "What. The. FUCK. IS. WRONG. WITH. YOU?????" Lili said in confusion while screaming at Ana. "I only took my medicine?" Ana said with a questioning tone. "Medicine...MEDICINE??? TOAD GUTS ARE MEDICINE NOW???" Lili yelled. "Wha?" Ana could say before looking down at the ground at a toad carcass. The toad didn't have a head, it's insides were spilling out...did...did Ana consume toad guts for pills? Did she just hallucinate it all? "What t-the fuck??" Ana murmured in shock. Narancia just started questioning his life choices then and there. Ana started hearing gunshot noises again, she look behind her to a black shadowy figure of someone heading toward the way. "Guys...in the car. Car, NOW!!" Aryanna shouted frantically. Everyone hopped in, Lili started the engine and zoomed off. Ana looked as about she lost her mind. "Ana what the hell is going on with you?" Lili questioned in a stern voice. "I-I-I-I need...I need.." Ana kept on reciting over and over again, hyperventilating and eyes widening. She started getting more and more kooky as seconds flew. Pandora, her dog, came and comforted her as she was crazing out. "WHAT DO YOU NEED?" Lili shouted. "PILLLLSSSSSSS" Ana spilled out. She looked like a bird that had hit a glass window. "I. NEEEED. PILLLLLLLLSSSSS" Ana shouted again. She started getting more fidgety and crazy. Lili, freaked out, pulled up near....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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