P9- D R U N K. M O N K E Y P2

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Lili kept speeding by cars while Narancia's father was chasing the trio down. wind was blasting against them so they had to yell to hear eachother clearly. "SHIT, WHAT SHOULD WE DO?l" Ana shouted. Lili had an idea burst into her head while speeding at about 60 miles, "MAKE A ROCKET LAUNCHER WITH YOUR STAND ANA!!" Lili shouted. "A STAND?" Narancia shouted with confusion as he was pinned down to the seat, scared as shit. "ITS LIKE AN ABILITY, YOU PROBABLY HAVE ONE TO" Ana shouted while getting pandora set up. "I NEED SOMETHING LONG AND BIG QUICK!!" Ana sharply yelled. "THERES AN UMBRELLA IN THE TRUNK IF THATS LONG ENOUGH" Lili replied back trying to focus her attention on the road. Ana unbuckled her seatbelt like a maniac and was trying to grab Lili's umbrella in the trunk while swishing and sliding all around. "COULD YOU NOT DRIVE AS FUCKING HARD? JESUS" Ana angrily shouted. "DO YOU WANNA GET OUTTA HERE ALIVE OR NOT??" Narancia shouted back. "I DON'T EVEN KNOW IF IM GONNA LIVE FOR THE NEXT 5 SECONDS!!" Ana shouted while rustling through the stuff. She finally got the umbrella and stuck it in pandora. "I need another object, but a smaller one" Ana shouted. "Here take my hat" Narancia shot back, handing over his McDonald's uniform hat. Ana grabbed it and shoved it in the box. "ITS GONNA TAKE ATLEAST AN HOUR TO FINSIH" Ana yelled to Lili. 'Damnit, I can't take an hour, I need another plan. Wait, dad always does this initiation when new agents/assassins come in. He gives them a piece of a broken arrow or some sort and tells them to stab themselves with it. He says it gives them an ability but I never had to get stabbed with the arrow...why? I should ask about Narancia's stand' Lili thought up. "HEY NARANCIA DO YOU KNOW WHAT A STAND IS?" Lili shouted. "NO I JUST HEARD ABOUT IT UNTIL NOW" Narancia replied back. "HAVE YOU EVER FOUGHT SOEMONE OR DID SOMETHING AND THIS AURA CAME BEHIND YOU AND THIS WEIRD SPIRIT WAS BY YOUR SIDE?" Lili questioned him. "WELL I MEAN I GUESS SO." Narancia confusingly said. "THATS YOUR STAND, EVERY STAND HAS AN ABILITY, WELL TO GET TO THE POINT USE THAT STAND ON YOUR FATHER" Lili shouted. Silence filled the room. "My father?" Narancia said bopping his head down. "I can't, I couldn't" Narancia said depressingly. "WELL IF YOU WANNA LIVE I SUGGEST DOING THAT UNLESS YOU WANNA BE IN HELL FOR THE NEXT HOUR" Ana shouted at him. Narancia had to think for a second. Would he or would he not kill his own father? Narancia looked at his father, chasing towards the car and made the decision. "AEROSMITH!!" Narancia shouted sticking his head out the car window a bit. A little toyish looking airplane came and started shooting up his father. Bullets we're flying everywhere and he landed a bomb on him, killing his father. Lili slowed down the car causing Ana and Narancia to jerk forward but thank god they had their seatbelts on or else his father's soul wouldn't be the only one flying to the gods. "YOU BITCH!!" Ana shouted at Lili, looking at her like she was crazy while Lili laughed her ass off. Lili quickly stopped, "that was a very brave choice you did there bud, good job. I know it's hard but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do" Lili said in a sympathetic tone to Narancia. Now with Narancia's father dealt with, onto the city!!

Fun fact!!
I named the parts "Drunk monkey" because that's what Narancia's fathers stand is called!! The ability can make anything become big and fast or small and slow!! I also named it because the father was drunk and acted ridiculous like a monkey, get it??

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