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Show No Emotion, Feel No Pain...

‘“Uhhhhh, Keenan...” I groaned as he pushed himself further into me, I wrapped my legs around his waist and began to trail my tongue along his neck causing him to let out a loud groan, pushing him even deeper into me.

“You like this don’t you?”

“Uhhhhh...” I gasped and wrapped my arms around him tighter; I couldn’t hold it in any longer. I began to scream in sensation as I felt my whole body feel weak, my toes curled up and my fist began to scrunch up into a tight ball-’

“China, wake up!” I opened my eyes to see Keenan looking over me smirking; I kissed my teeth at him and rolled onto my side.

“Leave me alone.” I grumbled. “I do not want to speak to you.”

“Yeah you do, you’ve been moaning my name for the past hour now China, what are you hiding from me?”

“What are you talking about?” I got out of bed and yawned, I checked the time to see it was 3am, fucking 3am?! I kissed my teeth and picked up the pillow, “I’m not hiding anything!” I then wacked him with the pillow.

“Get out my bed, sleep on the sofa! You fat boy!” I kissed my teeth at him as he got out the bed taking some of the covers with him. “No, come back with my blanket...” He threw it at me and I caught it, I waved him out the room and blew him a kiss goodnight.

“Night fat boy.”

“Night babe.” He winked and shut the door behind him, that boy is something else, I don’t know what I’d do without him.

I woke up the next morning with arms wrapped around me, and someone’s light breathing against my neck. I turned around and poked Keenan’s nose.

“Just couldn’t help yourself, could you?” I rolled my eyes. He mumbled something and held me tighter.

“Get off man.” I got out of bed and felt my stomach turn; I rolled my eyes knowing I was hungry. Keenan was so sweaty last night. He got it all over the bed. I’ll never sleep with that wet dog again, speaking of dogs... Whatever happened to Milo? I miss him, he was my little baby. I walked into the kitchen and prepared myself some cereal, I felt so wet and tired, I could barely walk and my stomach and head was turning, I needed to take a bath or something. I finished eating and walked into the bathroom; I sat on the side and ran myself a warm bath. I felt so relaxed; I could’ve just fallen asleep. Damn, Keenan must be a heavy sleeper man; it’s been quite awhile now. Once I finished I wrapped my bath robe around me and pulled the plug, I made my way back into the bedroom to see a trail along my room leading towards the kitchen, what the-

“China...” My eyes widened with panic as I clenched my stomach.

“KENANNNNNNN!” I screamed. “I’M HAVING THIS BABY, RIGHT NOW!” I fell back onto the bed and yelped in pain, finally, it’s coming, and I’m not ready yet... I began to cry as Keenan gathered stuff, slower than usual.

“Keenan, can you hurry the fuck up please? This baby is about to come out and I need to get to the fucking hospital!” I yelled at him opening my legs up. “I’m fucking half naked, cold; I need to call my mum, KEENAN!” I screamed and he turned to me, tiredly.

“I’m going as fast as I can, China.” He mumbled. “Calm down, don’t panic so much.” When he walked past me, I kicked him onto the ground and groaned in pain.

“Good, I hope you’re awake now!” I screwed him. “Call 999!” I ordered him around, and he finally did stuff a lot more quickly.

“Keenan, I’m going to die, this pain is ridiculous!” I screamed and cried out even more.

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