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Show No Emotion, Feel No Pain.

It's been a whole month now, since that day at the park, and I can still remember it like it happened yesterday. 

Once again, Keenan and Tyson had another fight. Everybody did try and separate them including me, but they wouldn't budge, it ended up the police having to take them away, luckily they only got cautioned, it was just stupid and it also really got to me. 

My stomach surprisingly had gotten alot bigger, and I'm only two months gone, today I was going for my second scan with Keenan, he had offered to take me, what a gentleman. 

I got out of bed lazily and had a little stretch, I strolled into the bathroom and brushed my teeth, washed my face and myself, and sorted out my hair, it had gotten frizzy from me not forgetting to wrap it over night, so I straightened it and added abit of hair grease to keep my side fringe in shape. I went back into my room and looked in my closet for something to wear. I looked outside and saw it was an overcast day, so I pulled out my long sleeved white polo shirt and my black straight legged jeans. 

I was abit upset on how I looked, but this is all I could fit in since my stomach was now a rounded shape. I sighed and put on a white pair of socks along with my Vans, and headed into the kitchen to be greeted by an excited Milo, I smiled bending down and picked him up. 

"Hello cutie," I cooed him rubbing his nose with my index finger. "Aint you getting big, soon you'll be bigger than me." I laughed and put him down, I got his food from the bottom cupboard and fed him, after that I washed my hands and gathered my stuff leaving the flat locking it behind me. 

I went down the lift because I just could not face two flights of stairs, I felt tired just looking at them. 

When I got outside, I made my way to the bus stop and sat down, I text Keenan to see where he was.

'Keenan where r u x'

After a two minute wait, I got a reply. 

'Behind u.' 

Message Sender: Keenan.

I looked at my phone confused, but smiled once I smelt a sweet scent of lynx chocolate and male aftershave. I got up and turned around, he stood there grinning. 

"Hey." I hugged him and kissed his cheek, I was about to let go by he held me closer nuzzling his face into my neck, I heard him sigh. 

"I missed you." He mumbled. 

"I missed you as well Keenan." I smiled. He kissed my neck and raised his head. 

"Good, how you been though?" 

"Fine, just abit tired that's all." He sat down on the bus stand pulling me by my waist to sit on his lap. 

"What time is the scan babe?" 

"In half an hour," I then stood up brushing off my jeans. "The bus is here."


After my second scan, we decided to go out to the cinema and watch a film, I was actually surprised Keenan was not annoyed at me because I kept complaining, I was tired and hungry. 

"Keenan," I moaned leaning on his shoulder. "I'm hungry!" 

"What do you want to eat then?" 

"I want something, different." I rubbed my stomach; he looked at me and nodded. 

"Different like what?" 

"I don't want Nandos, McDonalds or KFC." I rested my head on his shoulder as we walked hand in hand through the shopping city. 

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