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Show No Emotion, Feel No Pain. 

I held onto my brother's hand giving it a tight squeeze, as he sat next to me sleeping. 

I sighed and checked the time on my phone; it was nine in the morning. 

We were on the way to see my dad for the first time after four whole years. 

I sighed and rested my head on the glass window and stared at the cornfield across the tracks on the train. 

I was thirteen when my dad left, and Lamar was nine. 

I remember the day like it was yesterday, I simply couldn't forget it. 

It scared me, and even if I tried to let it go, I couldn't 

It was something I would not wish on anybody, no matter the case. 

It was heartbreaking, not just for me, for all of us. 

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath...

* I sat down around the dinner table next to my brother; he looked at me giving me a small nudge under the table. 

"Stop it man!" I moaned drinking some of my juice, but he just laughed continuing to nudge me. 

"Alright now kids," My mum started. "Let's all hold hands and say grace." 

"Ok!" Lamar and I said in unison. 

We all held hands and bowed our heads; we always said grace before dinner, especially on Sundays. 

"Our Father in heaven,  

hallowed be your name. 

Your Kingdom come,  

your will be done,  

on earth as in heaven. 

Give us today our daily bread. 

Forgive us our sins,  

as we forgive those who sin against us.  

Lead us not into temptation,  

but deliver us from evil.  

For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours.  

Now and forever. Amen." We all said amen and was about to dig in when dad stopped us. 


"Yes daddy?" I looked at him. 

"Do want to say a small prayer before we eat?" 

I scratched my head and nodded shyly, mum clapped in excitement. 

"Wait!" She got up. "Lemme get the camera!" She ran out the room quickly and came back in with the camera in her hands. 

"Ok wait for it..." She fiddled with it and told me to start. 

"Umm." I looked away shyly covering my face up, Lamar just smiled. 

"God bless mummy, 

God bless daddy. 

God bless Lamar, and all my cousins. 

God bless gran and granddad. 

AND... God bless this food." I licked my lips and smiled happily. 

Mum started crying for some reason and dad pulled me over hugging him. 

"That's my girl," He roughed up my hair and kissed mine and Lamar's forehead. "Smart, strong, and willing." 

I smiled happily and sat back down to eat my dinner. *

SHOW NO EMOTION, FEEL NO PAIN.Where stories live. Discover now