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Show No Emotion, Feel No Pain...

Being hurt is one thing, but seeing your world crumble into a thousand pieces is completely another. I only thank God that I did not walk in any earlier than I already had, otherwise I would have caught them right in action. My eyes began to water at the thought of it; in my own bed he was unfaithful to me, after all this is my flat? He does not pay for anything, I do. 

I rested my head back on the bathroom tiles fiddling with the positive pregnancy test in my hands. I felt to scream, shout and yell all my pain out on Tasha, so that's what she was speaking about in the college toilet to Natalie, good for nothing whores. Nobody knew about me and Tyson being together in college, he had said he wanted our love for each other to be a secret as possible; I had only told Ashleigh and Destiny about him. 

"CHINA! GET OUT HERE NOW!" I heard from the kitchen, I shook my head quickly imagining Tyson was standing before me. 

"Don't move..." I whispered to myself, I shook my head tucking my hair behind my ear. 


"Stay..." I began to shake, hoping that he would give up and go away, leaving me to sit here and cry. Why is he doing this to us? 



"CHINA!" I heard him approaching the bathroom door. I got up quickly barricading the door with the lost strength I had now found. 

"Leave me alone..." My voice strained, I rubbed my eyes and held the door again. 

"OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR!" I felt a strong budge causing me to move slightly, but I still held the door. 

"I'm sorry for whatever I've done. I'm sorry for not giving you my all, just please! Leave me alone." 

"Stop chattin' shit man! Open the door." I didn't move. I stayed where I was. 

"No!" I screamed, I held my stomach and kept screaming. "NO!" for once I felt I had a little bit of power, I was in control. I could tell he did not like this one bit, neither did I to be honest but this was the only thing I could do for him to leave me alone. 

"Ight then, fine." I heard him kiss his teeth and walk back towards the kitchen, I sighed in relieve and sank back down onto the floor rubbing my stomach, I'm pretty sure all this stress is not good for the baby at all. There was a huge silence in the flat, nobody moved or said a word. I closed my eyes imagining what possible things could happen if I had opened the door, I couldn't take it; I began to cry hoping that all the pain would go away. 

I stopped in my tracks when my whole body was forcefully flown across the bathroom causing me to hit my head on the sink, I groaned out in agony touching the back of my head to be met with cold drips on blood on my finger tips. I looked up to see Tyson standing there with a small kitchen knife tightly in his left hand. 

"Please," I began to crawl backwards. "You can't-" 

"Didn't I tell you to open the fucking door?" I kept quiet unable to speak, every time I opened my mouth to speak it was blocked from a painful scream I let out or the rivers of tears streaming from my eyes. 

"CHINA ARE YOU DEAF?!" He closed the door behind him. "You know what, you make me sick. You're not even worth it; I don't know why I fucking bother with a piece of shit like you! You're worthless!" 

After he said that, I felt hurt, lonely and incomplete. I felt my body begin to shake and my eyes stopped watering, I couldn't cry anymore, I didn't feel anything, my whole world had just crumbled in a matter of seconds. 

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