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Show No Emotion, Feel No Pain...

“Tyson please,” I finally spoke, my voice all croaky. “Don’t-”

“JUST SHUT UP, IGHT?!” I nodded quickly; I was already risking myself by speaking. I had no idea what to do. I knew Tyson like the back of my hand; he’d pull the trigger, and have no feeling about it.

He’d take away life, which he helped create, and not care.

I guess you can call him emotionless, a type of person that could not care less about anything. Sometimes I ask myself, what on earth I saw in him. He’s nothing but a thug, a bad boy, he doesn’t care. Yet I did, I sighed.

I watched him as he took the gun of safety and aimed it back at my stomach, he was calm, but every once and again his body would jolt, in shock.

“I don’t want to do this...” He told me sternly. “But, I don’t want this child.”

“But, I do-”


I nodded bursting into tears again. He smirked back at me satisfied.

“You know, I always loved you,” He started. “You were MY everything, my own, but you changed, you made my angry, you made me feel like shit, you just- FUCK SAKE!”


“You wouldn’t give yourself to me, it’s like you didn’t even trust me, you didn’t love me back, you just wanted to look good or some shit, well man don’t role like that.”


“And I know that you can hear me, so don’t start with your bullshit! Understand?”

I nodded.

“Now, I want you to get rid of this baby, or I will have to, this is just a warning.” I shook my head slowly, not wanted to obey him.

“I don’t want to...” I whispered, with a huge amount of pain in my voice. “Please!”

“NO!” He pulled the trigger, swinging the gun in the air, just in time for the bullet to miss me, and hit the door.

I cried, not just for my life, for my baby life, and Tyson’s... He had gone crazy.

“Look what you made me do now China!” He shouted at me. I glared at the floor, not wanting to look up, just kill me now, I can’t take this.

“I’m sorry...” I finally spoke. “For whatever I’ve done, just please, let me go, I’ll run away, I’ll never speak to you again, just, I really want this for myself, new life, new me, please!” I was falling apart, my voice was everywhere, and all I could do was hope, hope that’ll work.

“I just don’t know, I don’t need this shit man!”

“I’ll do anything, please!”

“Give me the flat!”

“But... I’ve got everything I need there.” I sobbed; I couldn’t give him- Wait! If that meant giving him the flat, I’d do it.

I nodded in agreement.


“That will be all, now, get up!” He said smugly, before leaving the room, with the door open.

I staggered getting onto my feet, I felt weak, and like I could barely walk, I hobbled over to the door and looked around, I was in a house, God knows who’s.

I walked down the long hallway, following the light until I saw a front door. I walked to it and opened it, walking out and closing it behind me.

It was FREEZING outside, and what made it worse, I was barely dressed. I sighed and began to walk down the long road, I had nobody to turn to, and I was alone, ONCE again.

I sighed and took out my phone, it was a good thing I’d left it in my pocket when I did, otherwise I’d have no contact with anyone.

I searched through the contacts wondering who to call, I couldn’t call my mum. She’d have a heart attack, nor Ashleigh and Destiny.

I could call Keenan, but he’d worry, and ask alot of questions about it, so I don’t think that’ll be the best of ideas.

I guess, there was only one option left.

So I called that number...


“Hey, it’s me.” I croaked, my voice had become shaky from the freezing cold weather.

“China, babe what’s wrong?”

“Can I come over?”

“Umm, sure!” He said, I then sighed.

“I’ll be over in an hour or so, thank you Daniel.”

“You’re welcome babe,” He started. “I’ll see you when you get here.” He then hung up.

I sighed and kept walking until I saw a bus stop, I guess I have a long journey to Daniels house...


“Ooh my fucking gosh!”


Without warning, Daniel rushed me inside, hurrying me into his room. I sat down on the bed and stared at the door blankly...

“Babe, you’re crying...”


“What happened? What’s wrong babe, hold on lemme get you some tissue yeah.”

I just looked at him blankly, it had now just all hit me, I’d lost everything...

I knew this was not over, it was far from it.

Tyson wouldn’t stop, until he had won the battle and the war. He’d keep fighting...

Daniel came back into the room holding a box of tissues; I took them from him and dabbed my eyes with some tissue, yet the tears still came down.

“If you don’t wanna talk about it, we don’t have to.” Daniel gave me a hug and smiled.

“....” I nodded, this is why I loved Daniel, he knew something was wrong, but he’d give me time, and let me tell him whenever I was ready, unlike others...

“I’ll get you a towel, then you can have a shower and a sleep, I’ll sleep on my sofa tonight.”

“No, you don’t have to...” I whispered.

“Nah it’s kool! You girls need your privacy, haha!” A small smile crept across my face, Daniel always seem to make me happy.

After he gave me the towel, and I got showed and redressed, (Into spare clothes, he lent me), I fell asleep, to the sounds of Daniels soft laugh, indicating everything would be ok.


Right, so I know this chapter sucks, but I’ve been REALLY busy, and this is all I could do, during my spare time, sorry!

Next chapter will be BIGGER and BETTER!

SHOW NO EMOTION, FEEL NO PAIN.Where stories live. Discover now