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Show No Emotion, Feel No Pain.

At first it felt like everything had stopped, my head was pounding and all I could hear was Ashleigh screaming 'Stop', Keenan kicking Tyson on to the floor, and the roaring sound of the group of Keenan's friends standing behind me. I looked around noticing Destiny was nowhere in sight, where did she head off to? 

"...Stop," I managed to barely say. "Stop fighting!" 

Everybody turned to look at me confused; I sighed and ran back inside. 

I don't need this stress right now; I don't need any of it. 

"Babe, are you ok?" I looked up and saw Destiny. She had a look of concern on her face. 

"No." I whispered wiping my eyes, they were stinging from the amount of tears now flowing down my face, I had no idea why I was crying but I felt really upset, like something really hit me, and hard. 

"Look," She knelt down and sat next to me. "We don't have to speak about what happened outside ok? But you know Keenan is going to ask you about it." 

"I didn't want this to happen!" I put my head in my hands, I didn't. Now people would think different of me, I didn't need that right now, or ever. "Why? Why me? Somebody tell me why?" 

"Because," That deep voice. "Because you decided to make that choice." 

"I'll leave you two to talk." Destiny gave my hand a quick squeeze before leaving and shutting the door behind her. 

"Keenan, I'm sorry if I lead you on or anything-" 

"You didn't," He said quickly cutting me off. "I wanted to." 

"Huh?" I looked at him waiting for him to say something else. I was surprised he had said that, really surprised at that. 

"I said I wanted to." 

"I don't get it," I whispered, he took my hands helping me up. "Why would you want me now? I mean look at me, I'm a pregnant teenager with a crazy ex that things this is his flat." 

"Maybe there's something else about you," He lead me towards the bedroom. "Maybe it's your smile, your eyes, your personality, just everything." 

"I'm sure you can find someone better, you don't-" He cut me off. 

"I don't want that, I want you." I knew he could find better, I'd just weight him down, I didn't want that. 

"I don't-" 

"Don't doubt yourself," His face now inches from mine, his lips a pout away from touching mine. 

At the back of my throat, I was screaming from the high heavens that I wanted him. Maybe I wanted to feel special for once, was that alot to ask for? 

"Your beautiful from close up, do you know that?" He placed his arms around my waist; I wanted to fall on him. 

"Where did everyone go?" I finally spoke, slurring slightly. 

"I told them to leave; it's just me and you." 

I tried to speak, but no words could escape my mouth, I was in this type of trace that I'd never felt before, not even with Tyson. 

I had to admit I still had loads of feelings for Tyson, It did pain me to see Keenan kick, punch, and literally beat him unconscious. 

The reasons for what was because he was my first love, first kiss, everything. He had made me become who I am. 

If I could throw Tyson out of my heart, believe me I would. 

But it's not that easy, it's harder than it sounds. 

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