Hide and Seek

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Caroline woke up with a strange fluttering in her chest. She wasn't in the bed with Elena as she usually was -weird- so it was a surprise to find hard flooring underneath her back. She grumbled at the uncomfortable way she was laying, and turned towards her left where she found a sleeping Klaus.

She bolted upright -relieved that they were both dressed- and it all came flooding back to her. They'd just made out. But it was really good. She ran a finger across her lips as she smiled to herself, remembering the way their bodies worked together, about falling onto the floor and laughing until Caroline shushed them both because they'd wake somebody. She remembered his lips against hers, his fingers digging into her thighs. Caroline had been expecting a regretful feeling inside when she awoke but there wasn't even a small sliver of that.

"Morning Sweetheart." Klaus surprised her, his voice sounded rugged and it made her dead heart race. "Feeling alright?"

She leaned herself back down onto the ground so that their bodies were even. Something just felt -shoot her in the face for thinking it- right whenever she was next to him. Seeing his eyes staring at her as if she wasn't the product of a drunken game night, it was magical and wonderful. A little slice of heaven. Oh the irony.

Caroline cleared her throat so she wouldn't sound like an eighty year old man and answered, "I'm fine. Kind of tired but I'm doing okay."

"Are you going to get up and run away?" He sounded innocent when asking but Caroline could see the fear in his eyes. Klaus didn't want her to leave -she didn't want to either- and it was making the walls he'd built tumble within him.

Caroline moved closer to him so that their noses were grazing, "No, I don't think so." She watched him try to hid his smile -he was such a dork- but she quickly closed the gap between them before he had the chance to let it reach his ears. They stayed like that for what felt like years, but it wasn't long enough. Caroline wanted to drown in the feeling of him, wave after wave of oncoming emotions. A surge of energy that she felt would never cease. But unfortunately she had to pull away when she heard footsteps around the house. "Ugh I have school."

Klaus wrapped his forearms around her waist tightly, pressing them closer together. "Or I could kidnap you."

She felt herself laughing -really Caroline?- at him, "Yes but my mom is the Sheriff so..." He didn't seem very afraid of Liz Forbes as he tilted his head to the side and cocked an eyebrow. "Hey she's menacing."

"Not to me." He pointed out, smirking at her. "I believe I could easily take you mother."
Caroline pursed her lips, "Don't touch my mother." She knew he'd never do it because it was Klaus and it was her mother and she trusted him for some dumb reason. Caroline believed without a doubt -which was strange- that no harm would befall Liz Forbes because of Klaus Mikaelson.

He pecked her lips and it surprised her. Would she ever get used to that? What where they? Were they together? Would Klaus allow her to leave him? She had a million questions running through her head but he looked undoubtedly at peace, "I would never."

"We really need to get up." She brought her voice down to a whisper, hearing her friends talking loudly near the kitchen.

He noticed her decrease in volume, "Ashamed are we?"

Caroline shook her head because she wasn't. She thought that maybe in the morning she'd remember the monster that was within him but as daylight awoke them she couldn't care less. It wasn't the fact that she was embarrassed or regretful, it was more of the fact that she didn't want her friends to get mad at her. She needed to find a way to tell them -but that morning was not it. "I'm more terrified." She confessed. "I know they're going to be mad at me, and I just need to figure out a way to tell them."

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