Last A/N

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Yes yes my dearest, this book has come to an end.. BUT like I said the sequel is in writing and the next chapter is indeed the  final chapter but I'll have the first chapter of the sequel don't by the time your done reading it... And also thank you all for the 8.93k reads it means so much to me
Love you guysss <3


Your walking around the house when your phone rings

You~ Caroline hey what's up? Still in those games?

Caroline~ About that any game Ideas that we haven't done?

You~ I think I could come up with some

Caroline~ Good just put them down on the comment section on the book "The Games"

You~ Ight.. Bye Care

Caroline~ Byeeee


I tried.. And failed but you get the message ;)

The Games( a Klaroline fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now