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He kept swinging the chair at him but Sooho was quick to dodget it.

"stop, you lunatic, I could punch you for real" the boy said.

Sieun tried to swing at him again but he got punched straight in the face making him drop the chair and strumble back a little.

"I told you to stop." Sooho sighed.

"who are you to order me around?" he answered and was about to take another chair but the girl yelled putting herself in between the two.

"what the fuck do you think you're doing?!" she screamed to her brother. "do you see what you've done?! enough, you're not a fucking child!"

"move." Sieun ordered.

"no fuck, I'll punch you too if that's necessary." she answered and was taken by surprise when her brother almost threw the chair at them both but Sooho was quick to cover her, fortunately nothing hit them because the teacher arrived.

"are you okay?" he asked the girl while the teacher was screaming at her brother and she simply nodded.


Her brother was forced to go to the hospital where Jeon Yeongbin was, the teacher said she would bring him to apologize and in the meantime even their dad got back from his work.
She heard the door click and quickly ran out of her room noticing her brother come in, she sighed in relief and their dad came too to greet him.

"hey son, why are you a mess?" the man quickly asked when he noticed some injures on him.

"I got hurt during PE class." he lied and she stayed silent letting him go in his room.

"did he really get hurt during PE?" the man asked to his daughter.

"he didn't want to go to the nurse office." she replied not adding anything more since she didn't want to lie.

Their dad leaned on Sieun doorframe looking at the boy take out his books and he crossed his arms.

"yah, do you get into fights with other kids too now? your sister is already a lot of trouble, but you know what? it's fine, kids always fight when they grow, I did it too before." he said looking at his daughter too.

She simply nodded walking to the kitchen while letting them talk, when she noticed her dad leave his room she walked back there to talk to him.

"are you okay? what happened to the hospital?" she asked checking him.

"nothing, his mother was angry but I showed them proofs that he had drugged me during the exam." he simply replied sitting down on his desk.

"drugs? oh that fucker, I should've beaten him first." she whispered shaking her head. "but I won't forget the fact that you almost threw a chair at me today."

"it wasn't for you, it was for Sooho." he replied sighing.

"yeah but I was infront of Sooho." she said back.

"Hyejin, I understand, now stop, I have to study." he opened his books and she sighed leaving him alone.


People in the classroom were silent, some studying, still scared for what happened the day before, most of the eyes were on Sieun but no one dared to ask anything.
Two of the dogs walked inside the classroom quickly stopping at the boy desk and one leaned on it earning Sieun attention.

"hey, you punk, see us after school." and with that they started to threaten him.

"I'll just see you now." he replied standing up and the girl eyes widened.

the three walked out the classroom and slowly all the classmates followed with curiosity, what was going to happen? the worst scenarios played in her head as she quickly stood up and followed too until they entered one of the bathrooms, all people stayed at the door to look and she pushed them to reach the front and see what was going on inside.

"you two learn poorly, don't you?" Sieun spoke up and he walked up to the door stopping right infront of her.

"what are you doing?" she worriedly asked he didn't answer, he simply closed the door and he locked it.

Her eyes widened as she quickly tried to open the door and look through the small glass that was on it to see the situation inside but she couldn't see much, until the door opened and her brother came out with no bruises making her sigh in relief, they all followed him back to the class, she noticed some classmates trying to talk to him but he quickly dismissed them.

"are you okay?" she asked walking beside him. "no fights?" she questioned again trying to check if he was injured but he didn't answer, he simply dropped on his seat and started studying.

"what? where's everyone?" they heard a voice and looked back noticing a confused Sooho enter the classroom since the twins were the only two in the room.

"they are outside..." she whispered sighing and went to sit down.

"he scared them?" the boy joked out.

"yeah, kinda." she simply replied putting her headphones on and he simply nodded.


"be fast Sieun, I won't wait for you and I'll finish your food." she said leaving the classroom during lunchtime, her brother said he had something to tell Sooho so she left before him.

She took a tray putting some food in, she never was a big eater, and sat down on a table alone waiting for her brother, and he did come after a while, what surprised her was that Sooho was there too and he sat right next to her so he could be infront of Sieun.

"I wasn't asking for something big you know? but I pay for school food." Sooho said and she moved her attention to him.

"don't eat it if you don't want to." her brother simply said.

"thank you for the food." the other boy said earning a chuckle from the girl.

"I don't know what you are talking about, but you surely lost." she said still laughing. "by the way, why do you sleep at school?" she asked in curiosity.

"oh I come here straight after work, if I sleep at home I might not wake up, If I'm here I can't be late." he replied and yeah it made sense. "my grandma said to take an attendance award and diploma even if I choose not to go to college." he continued. "do you like listening to music? you both always have headphones on, is it a twin thing? you look like arrogant punks."

"I use them for people who talk to me, I have an excuse to not listen." Sieun replied. "but Hyejin is a musician, she likes it."

"what? a musician?" he questioned in surprise.

"yeah, I play the guitar and sometimes I sing and dance." she nodded to her words.

"yeah but your brother is such a weirdo using the headphones like that." Sooho joked out.

"I know right?" she laughed too.

"are you talking about yourself?" Sieun replied looking at the two infront of him and the two laughed out even more at that.

WEAK HERO - AHN SOOHO X OCWhere stories live. Discover now