chapter 1

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10th Aug, 2023 

Oscar Piastri was surprised when he was invited to Kit and Pierre's wedding, he was a member of the grid sure, but it wasn't like he was close to the Alpine or Mercedes drivers. Yet here he was standing in a corner of the ballroom during their reception with a drink in his hand.

He may have been a laidback guy but he wasn't about to go dance in front of a room of people he had barely know a few months. Instead he was talking to Logan and Zhou about racing of course but as the conversation transferred topics to how great of a couple Kit and Pierre are, his attention began to wonder.

His eyes darted around the room until his eyes locked onto the sight of a girl sitting at one of the banquet tables by herself. She too was looking around the room in amazement, until she wasn't. her eyes transfixed on Oscar's form in the corner of the room. 

"I'll be right back." He found himself saying, why? he didn't know but something was attracting him to that girl. Oscar made his way through the crowded room over to where the girl was still sitting by herself. 

"Uh, hi? I saw you were sitting by yourself so I came over, I'm Oscar." He introduced himself nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. 

The Girl's eyes light up as she began to speak, "Piastri right? I'm Riley, one of Kit's friends from back home. I race too!" 

Oscar grinned upon hearing the fact that Riley was also Aussie and raced, "Yep that's me! what series do you race in?" 

"The one and only Supercars Championship." Riley explained while Oscar pulled out the chair  across from her. "I'm teammates with Will Brown for Erebus." 

"That's amazing I used to watch the championship so much as a kid, although I was always a Redbull kid." Oscar explained, fake whispering the last bit. 

"Me too." Riley whispered back, "Although Broc beat me to the seat which is a pain in the ass." 

She was talking about her cousin Broc Feeney, who had obtained the Redbull seat before her as he stepped up in categories a year before she could. 

"Well that's not nice of him." Oscar laughed. 

"I know right, He's so rude." Riley joked. 

"Who's rude? And who's this babe?" Came the familiar voice out of nowhere. Riley craned her head back and found Mack, her boyfriend was standing right behind her. 

"Mack this is Oscar." Riley introduced, "Oscar this is Mack, My uh boyfriend." 

The two men stared at each other for a second before Mack dropped into the chair right beside Riley, "Its nice to meet you, I guess." he said holding his hand out as a way of greeting. 

"You too." came Oscar's quick reply as he shook hands with him. 

"We were just talking about how Broc beat me to the Redbull seat, Oscar races for Mclaren." Riley explained shifting closer to her boyfriend. 

"God it's always about racing with you isn't it?" Mack shook his head, "well at least I wasn't here for it." 

"Yo Oscar come here!" was heard in the background and Oscar rolled his eyes. 

"Looks like that's my call to go." He said getting up out of the chair. "Thanks, for the chat." 

"Wait!" Riley called as he began to walk away, "Can I get your number."

"Oh sure!" Oscar jogged back over the the table and pulled out his phone as Riley did the same. Neither of them noticed the harsh glare Mack was sending Oscar. 

Once the numbers were exchanged Mack and Riley were left to themselves. "Can we go yet?" Mack immediately asked. 

"Not yet babe please, can I go congratulate Kit and Pierre?" Riley asked.

"Sure, but be quick." Mack grumbled.

Riley slid out of her seat and made her way to the dance floor which Kit and Pierre were in the middle of. "Kit!" she shouted over the music when she managed to reach her best friend. 

"Yeah!" Kit spun around and opened her arms for a hug, "Riley! I'm so happy you actually came." 

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." Riley hugged her best friend. "Tell Pierre congrats for finally having the balls to marry you okay? Mack and I are going to leave soon." 

Kit laughed, joyfully, "I'll definitely tell him you said that! thanks for coming Riley, I'll try and get out to one of your races sometime, yeah?" 

"I'll be waiting." Riley grinned. 

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