chapter 3

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Broc drove the twenty minute journey into Murray Bridge where they were meeting up with the others for tea. Riley thought it was nice to have a break from driving as Mack made her drive all the time when they were together.

They managed to pull up outside the steakhouse at the same time, Cam, Thomas and Chaz did and even parked beside them.

"Hey guys!" Riley greeted, throwing her hands up in the air, when she got out of the car. "Your favourite rival is back!"

"Pain in our ass, more like." Cam grumbled but gave her a hug anyway.

The rest of the boys followed suit as Will walked over to the group.

"Right we better go in for the reservation." Chaz said and the others agreed.

"Race you!" Riley shouted, before taking off towards the front doors. Broc and Will immediately followed suit as quick as they could.

In the end Will got there first followed by Riley and Broc.

"Hah! I win suckers!" Will gloated.

"Not for long!" Riley shouted as she raced to open the door of the restaurant.

The rest of the group just looked on in bewilderment at the twenty-something-year old's acting like toddlers.

They all managed to get into the restaurant in one piece and make it towards their table which was located at the back of the main dining area.

Riley chose to sit next to Will and Chaz, a choice that wasn't entirely her fault. Riley and Broc weren't allowed to sit next to each other at dinner after the last time.

She immediately opened the menu that was resting on the table and began flicking through it, excitedly.

"Hey, do you think it's weird to have a salad at a steak restaurant?" She turned to face Will, to see what he thought.

"I don't know." He mumbled, "ask Chaz?"

"Yo, Chazzle Dazzle do you think it's weird for me to order a salad?" Riley asked turning the other way.

"Nah, order whatever you want." He answered honestly.

"Right will do!" Riley spun back the right way, ready to look at the menu again only to find it gone.

She looked at Will (who was studying the menu intensely) and immediately grabbed the menu back off him.

"Hey!" Will shouted in protest.

"Hey yourself!." Riley retorted, "I wasn't done!"

She then began scanning the menu, quicker this time as she knew her teammate was waiting on her. In the end Riley decided on a salad titled The White Sands which contained Squid and prawns on a bed of lettuce, beetroot and feta.

The rest of the group chose similar options it turned out as they went up to the counter to order their food and drinks. Once situated back at the table the group fell into various levels of conversations and topics. 

Their food came out quite quickly despite the fact the restaurant had slowly filled up with people as they chatted. Their main focus was on the three races set to be held on the weekend.

So there for it stayed the main topic as they ate until Cam asked Riley how was Mack doing.

"Um - good he's been busy at work so I haven't seen him much recently, but yeah we're fine." Riley answered.

Meanwhile Broc studied his cousin's appearance, she seemed nervous to talk about her boyfriend which was unlike her, she seemed so happy with Mack.

At one point last year after they'd been together a couple months everyone tried to tell Riley they wouldn't last but they were still going strong.

"What does he do for work again?" Cam pressed.

"He's a real estate agent." Riley said, picking up a few pieces of lettuce with her fork.

"That's very lacklustre compared to what we do." Broc commented.

"Not everybody can be crazy speed demons Broc, you especially."

The group laughed as Broc clutched his chest with fake hurt.

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