Chapter 4

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It was Friday morning and Riley had been awake 10 minutes. In that time, she had decided it was going to be a good day.

She had as-per-usual gone straight onto her phone and had opened her messages to a message from Oscar that she had missed last night.

*Texts between Oscar and Kayla*

It was safe to say Riley was thoroughly confused, what surprise including Oscar could possibly happen?

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It was safe to say Riley was thoroughly confused, what surprise including Oscar could possibly happen?

She shook it off as she got out of bed, careful to not wake Mack up. She had to be outside and on track normally about half an hour before Mack woke.

She dressed in her Erebus team gear consisting of her red and black Coca-Cola polo and jumper and black jeans.

Riley stared in the mirror as she tied her incredibly long blue and green hair into presentable braids.

She always made sure to do her hair up in a racing style even if it was just media day, she never knew when she was going to be placed on track.

Once she was ready, she just had to grab her backpack off the chair it was sitting on and she was good to go.

Riley left her room shutting the door with a soft click. From there it was down the elevator and through the lobby into the fresh sunshine, that had taken over the track.

On her way to the team garage she passed by a few of her fellow drivers, who she excitedly fist bumped as per tradition. Not to brag but because Erebus were at the top of the team standings it meant she had to walk all the way to the top of the paddock.

She grinned when she saw her car was sitting outside and Will's was still in the garage; that normally meant they wanted her on track to do some kind of promo work.

"Morning team!" she chirped as she walked through the garage and past the crowd of mechanics, she was on a mission.

"Morning Riley." A couple of them answered back.

Riley made her way into her small, compact drivers' room, where her PR manager was sitting on her couch waiting for her. She dumped her bag on the floor and looked at Grace expectantly.

"So Riles, today you have an interview with Sky sports, you've a promo shoot with the car and this morning you're doing a hotlap challenge with a guest, so I suggest you suit up." Grace explained, reading off her phone.

Riley immediately moved from where she was standing in the open doorway over to grab her race gear from where it was sitting in her white free-standing shelves.

Grace left her to be and get changed so she could be ready for her day full of media commitments.

Ten minutes later, Riley stepped outside of the garage with her race suit slung on her hips and her sunnies on. She walked past her car and over to where Broc and Will were standing chatting, in-between the garages.

"Nice day isn't it lads." She greeted coming to a stop and placing her hands on her hips.

Broc rolled his eyes and Will fake gagged, "please don't ever say lads like that again."

"I will do as I please as long as the weather is nice." Riley answered.

At that moment a cloud chose to cover the brightness and warmth from the sun.

"Anddd the weather has turned to shit."

The three continued chatting until Grace had to come pull Riley and Will away because the guest had arrived.

"I wonder who it's going to be?" Riley said as she and Will lent against the timing desks in the middle of the garage.

"I dunno, someone pretty important I guess." Will answered, the hand he had resting on her shoulder drumming a one-two pattern.

The main door at the back of the garage opened suddenly and a group of people stepped through. In sync Riley and Will pushed off the desk they were leaning against and began to meet the group in the middle of the garage.

"So, this is where the magic happens?" A familiar voice asked, and Riley's heart skipped a beat, it couldn't be?

She raised her gaze up from where it had been locked on the ground and was met with a smirking Oscar Piastri standing right in front of her.

"Yep it's where our crew work hard to make sure our star drivers do their best on track." Natalie the teams social media manager explained. "Riley, Will, this is Oscar Piastri, one half of Mclaren's F1 team. He's here for the weekend as our guest so we can shoot content. "

Will stepped up and shook Oscar's hand, "Nice to have you here mate."

"Thanks, looking forward to putting in some track time." Oscar said before stepping back.

"That's why my car's outside?" Riley blurted out and then quickly covered her mouth.

"Yes Riley, you'll get some laps too don't worry." George, her race engineer reassured from where he had come inside behind the group.

"Phew." Riley sighed in relief and then saw Oscar pressing his lips together to stop from laughing at her. "Stop laughing at me mister."

The group of Erebus and McLaren people looked confused at the sudden friendly exchange between the two drivers.

"We met last week." Oscar explained turning to the group. "Now um is there somewhere I can put my stuff and change?"

"You can use my room." Riley said, she began walking off and Oscar followed her. The rest of the people were left to stand and chat as they began setting their stuff down on various benches.

"So, what are you doing in Australia?" Riley asked as they walked down the corridor towards the drivers' rooms.

"I was invited to do some promo and collaboration stuff by the Supercars organization, they actually gave me a choice on what team I wanted to go with." Oscar explained.

"And you chose me!" Riley grinned.

"No, I chose Erebus because of Will."

"Aw damit." Riley opened the basic white door to her tiny driver's room. "Here you go, the best changing room in the south of Australia." She threw her hands up in spirit.

"Thanks, I'll see you in ten." Oscar gave her a quick wave and stepped inside, turning around to shut the door behind himself.

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