Chapter 16

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The drive to their hotel seemed pretty far with it being so late, even with them only driving ten-ish minutes.

So Riley was still glad when Oscar pulled into the parking garage and parked the car near the elevators.

They got out of the car and into the elevator. The ride up to Oscar's Hotel room was silent, as both of them were too tired to talk.

When Oscar unlocked his door, Riley breathed a sigh of relief, no more interacting with people for the night.

"Right so um I may have forgotten that there is only one bed, so you can sleep in my bed and I'll sleep on the couch." Oscar explained placing his keys on the counter.

"Why can't we both sleep in your bed, I mean pillow walls exist." Riley asked, placing her bag down on the counter as well and taking a look around.

Oscar's hotel room was set up like an apartment with separate space for the bathroom and bedroom and there was a miniature kitchen, near the door.

"You know what fine I'm too tired to argue, I'll grab you some comfy clothes." Oscar disappeared into his bedroom and returned with a Mclaren t-shirt and sweatpants in hand.

"This is the best I got, I'll let you get changed." Oscar handed her the clothes and returned to his bedroom to get changed.

Riley quickly headed to the bathroom and got changed, doing her best to avoid touching the brusing on her ribs. Her ribs were covered in a faint shade of blue and they hurt.

She also let her hair down from the braids she had in earlier. Normally this would be where she would do her skincare but that was too much of a hassle and she was tired.

"Righto you ready?." Oscar asked as he appeared leaning on his door frame. He was wearing similar pyjamas to Riley.

"Yeah, but please never say Righto again you sound like my dad." Riley groaned.

She walked over to him and followed him into his room. They both climbed into his bed making sure to keep their distance from eachother.

"Uh goodnight." Oscar muttered.

"Night Oscar." Riley mumbled back. She fell asleep rather quickly after that.

Riley woke up the next morning in a different place to where she fell asleep. She was still in Oscar's bed of course but had somehow moved across the bed and ended up pressed against Oscar.

One of his arms was wrapped around her but he quickly moved it to reach his alarm that was going off. Riley blinked quickly as she realised where she was, now was not the time to have a crisis.

"Sorry." Oscar mumbled, his voice thick with sleep. "I forgot to turn it off."

"Mhm, what's the time?" Riley asked, fighting to keep her voice steady.

"Uh six forty-five." Oscar said placing his phone back on his nightstand.

"Why are you a gremlin, six forty-five is not a reasonable time to wake up." Riley muttered sarcastically, now fully awake herself.

"Well sorry I normally go to the gym at this time." Oscar retorted, rubbing his eyes.

"Again you are a gremlin." Riley said rolling over to grab her phone now that she was awake.

"Well I'm going to get up now." Oscar said getting up out of bed and leaving his covers scrunched up. He grabbed some clothes out of his case and made his way into the bathroom.

"You can do that but I'm staying here for a few more minutes." Riley said snuggling back into the covers.

She did indeed stay in bed, even falling back asleep until her own alarm went off at seven fifteen.

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