Chapter 18

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The first couple days that Broc was in Melbourne was spent doing touristy things just for the hell of it. Riley took Broc to the Skydeck first for the views, and then they went for a walk through one of the various parks in the inner city of Melbourne.

They spent their fair share of time lounging around too, either at a coffee shop or at Riley's home. It was quite peaceful, a rather large change from their normal fast-paced life.

Work was a topic they tried to stay away from (save accidentally sharing team secrets), but it still crept in. Motorsport was their world, after all.

Saturday, they packed up some clothes and bundled them in Riley's ute to drive to Will's place in Oakleigh. Riley and Broc were excited. It had been a long time since they had hung out with Will outside of work.

When they got to Will's, they were greeted by his girlfriend. "Will's inside on the sim." Abbey said by a way of greeting. Riley waited for Broc to get their bags out of the car before stepping inside the door and shouting out. 

"Will Bill, your favourite people are here!" 

There was no answer for a minute before a thud and footsteps were heard. 

"Hey guys!" Will said appearing in the hallway. His white t-shirt looked like it had been thrown on in a rush, and his Erebus cap was knocked sideways.  

"Why do you look like you've been in a tornado, Will?" Riley nonchalantly asked while tying her long hair back out of her face. 

"I may have tripped over a cable coming out of the sim." Will scratched the back of his neck. 

They fell silent, and Broc took that as his cue to dump their bags on the floor with a thud. From there, they got settled in with Abbey putting on the kettle and Will showing them around. They ended up all sitting around Will's kitchen table with a cup of either tea or coffee, just catching up. 

Around 3, Abbey had to leave as she had a hair appointment to get to. Riley chose that time to finally open up about what had happened with Mack over the past few days and her current situation. Hey, boys listened carefully to her recount and didn't rush her when the emotion became too much. By the time Riley was finished and the tears had stopped, Will appeared to be in shock, and Broc sat back in his chair with a look of deep thought plastered across his face. 

"You know you need to break up with him, Riles, especially if he's hurting you." Broc said carefully, not wanting to trigger the already emotionally girl. 

"You know none of us want to see you hurt. Your life means more than a 2 year-long relationship." Will joined in, too. It was going to be a team effort to get the small girl to change her mind. 

"I know, but sometimes it feels like it would be easier to be in the ground than face my problems." Riley admitted in a moment of courage. 

"We know Riley, but we need you here. We love you." 

"I love you guys, too." Riley got out of her seat to give the boys a big hug. They hugged each other tightly, not wanting to let the moment go. 

When she sat back down, Riley felt a small weight lift off her chest. It wasn't much. She still had a long way to go, but it was something. 

"Well, i think after that, we need a pick me up." Riley decided, nodding to herself. 

"I saw an entertainment place that's open til midnight on the way past?" Broc offered up an idea.

"That's perfect!" Riley cheered, "But only if you want to Will? we are your guests, after all."

"Hell yeah, i'm down." Will agreed,"Wanna go now?" 

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