chapter 8

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Riley went back to her room and immediately upon entering flounced over to Mack. She tapped him on the shoulder as he was still wearing his headphones.

He quickly took them off, "oh you're back."

"Indeed I am and I have important news." Riley sat down in the chair opposite his. "Um you know Oscar who you met the other week?" Mclaren are forcing him to have a girlfriend to up his popularity and personality or whatever and he asked for my help."

"What? So he wants you to leave me and go date him instead?" Mack responded angrily.

"No no, he wants me to fake date him, so I act like I'm with him for the cameras but I'm still with you."Riley hurriedly explained drumming her fingers on the table while she talked.

"Hmm I don't exactly like this, but you've already made your mind up haven't you?" Mack saw the confidence on her face.

"Kind of." Riley admitted, "it's a chance to help someone out in a tough situation and I can still love you meanwhile."

"So like we'd still be together just not publicly?" Mack had a small smirk.

"Yeah! Only if you agree to it though."

"Yeah now that you've explained what's going on, it seems okay to me."

"Thank you for understanding." Riley flung up out of her chair and hugged her boyfriend."I'll message Oscar and then I think I'll take a shower and go to bed."

Riley woke up later the next morning as she wasn't participating in the qualifying session for the first race

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Riley woke up later the next morning as she wasn't participating in the qualifying session for the first race. This meant she could do her excersises and pre qualifying rituals a little later.

She went downstairs and had breakfast with Mack this time as he wanted to meet Oscar properly and see more of the garage.

She was buzzing with the usual excitement qualifying day brought her and a little extra, she had made a list of books on her phone that she recommended Oscar read this morning.

As soon as she got to the garage and she realised Oscar was there she walked straight over to him, even forgetting to say hello to her team mate.

"I have books." She blurted out as a way of greeting. Making Oscar pause the conversation he was in.

"Okay, show me." He prompted.

Riley pulled up the list on her phone and showed him,"I didn't know what you would like so I tried to pick some different stuff."

Oscar pulls out his own phone and opens his notes app. Riley watched as he writes down every book. "I even put some fake dating ones in there so you can study." She whispered to him.

"I'm sure I'll be fine in that department." He tried to wink at her and she laughed, "thank you though."

Behind them Mack coughed and Riley quickly spun around to grab his hand. "Oscar, Mack just wanted to have a chat with you about you know the secret thing, would that be okay?"

She glanced between the two of them and watched as they bro nodded at eachother. "Yeah that's fine." Oscar replied.

"Good cuz I gotta say hi to Will!" She dropped Mack's hand and left them to talk heading off across the garage to talk to her team mate.

"Will!Will!Will!" Riley chanted jumping on the spot.

"Hi Riley!" Will matched her energy, holding his hand out for a high-five.

She eagerly slapped her hand against his. "Morning team mate, ready for qualifying?"

"You know it." He grinned. "I didn't realise you brought Mack with you."

"Who's Mack?" One of Will's mechanics asked as they were standing around near his car.

"Oh um my boy-bestfriend." Riley stumbled over her words.

"But I thought-" Will started and Riley jabbed an elbow into his ribs to shut him up.

"I'll tell you later." She whispered.

"That's cool that you brought him along." The mechanic nodded.

"Yeah! He loves to come to stuff like this, actually I better go check on him and then find somewhere to sit." Riley could see out the corner of her eye that Mack was getting dangerously  close to Oscar.

She gave the group a quick wave and left to go back to her boys. "Oi whatever you were thinking about doing behind my back, cut it out." Riley whispered to Mack, voice dangerously low.

"Don't worry babe." Mack shrugged as he stepped back. "I was just having a friendly chat with your new boyfriend."

"Yeah don't worry about us." Oscar grinned at Riley.

"Right sureee." Riley shook her head, "Mack I'm going to find somewhere to watch the qualifying, you coming?"

"Yeah I will." Mack wrapped an arm around Riley as they walked out.

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