Chapter 6

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The atmosphere in the garage turned tense once Riley appeared in the doorway. She immediately headed straight to the desks and more importantly the timing screen.

"What was his time?" she demanded to know, coming to a stop.

"A 1.49.02!" Will announced while George was still talking to Oscar.

"Four tenths!" Riley screeched, throwing her hands up in the air, "he beat me by fourth tenths!"

"Right screw this I'm going home." She began to walk away in fake sadness before returning to Will's side. "Yo now that your going against an F1 driver think you'll slow up a bit?"

Riley looked at Will, batting her eyelashes. "Not a chance." He laughed at her.

"Damn." She shook her head in sadness, the stray hair from her braids flying around.

They snapped their attention to the red and black car that was pulling into Riley's side of the garage.

Oscar swung the door open and got out of the car. He shut the door behind him and began unclipping his helmet. Once his helmet and balaclava were off he made his way over to the desks.

"Great competition Riley." He said holding his hand out.

Riley quickly shook his hand, "thanks! You were flying out there so I can't be too mad." She grinned.

"Yeah well-"

"Guys!" Grace interrupted clapping her hands. "all three of you can go grab some early lunch or go hang out with the others while we set up for the next challenge. "

"Right okay." Riley nodded before beginning to walk off in the direction of her room. As she walked she yelled over her shoulder, "wait there for me guys I'll be like a minute."

Riley walked into her room and headed straight for her backpack with was sitting on the couch. She dug out her spare hoodie that she kept in there and grabbed her phone out of the front pocket.

She pulled on the black hoodie she had stolen from Mack in the early days of their relationship. Giving her room a glance over, she noticed Oscar's phone sitting on her desk and she grabbed that too incase he wanted it for anything.

As a collective group they decided to walk down to the hospitality building that was set up at the far end of the paddock.

While the boys headed off down their way, Riley diverged to grab her cousin from whatever the hell he was doing to join them.

They then met the boys in the bottom floor of the hospitality and sat down at the table the boys had picked next to the windows that overlooked the track. Riley grabbed Oscar's phone out of her pocket and slid it across the table to him. 

"Right introductions then food!" Riley drummed her fingers on the table. "Oscar, Broc." she introduced pointing at her cousin, "Broc, Oscar." 

The boys nodded at each other and said their standard greetings. 

From there they got up one by one and went and grabbed their selective plates of food, Riley going first with a proclaim of "I'm Starving!" She chose as much of an unhealthy selection she could get, pilling on bacon and pancakes as well as some baby roast potatoes. 

Riley immediately dug into her food when she got back to the table although she tried to follow the conversation some the boys were starting the best she could. 

After eating she pulled out her phone to realise she had a message from Mack.

Mack 🤍
Hey, what's this?
Mack 🤍 shared a post from Twitter, join now?
And where exactly are you, I went to your garage and you weren't there?


V8sleuth_: Erebus driver, Riley Evans and McLaren F1 Driver Oscar Piastri, were spotted alongside Broc Feeney and Will Brown in the Bend Paddock this morning

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V8sleuth_: Erebus driver, Riley Evans and McLaren F1 Driver Oscar Piastri, were spotted alongside Broc Feeney and Will Brown in the Bend Paddock this morning.

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Uh that's me and Oscar
who you met at Kit's wedding
He's here to do press stuff
with the team
And we're all in hospitality if you want to join

Mack 🤍
I think I'll pass

Okay babe!

Riley put down her phone with a sigh  and buried her face in her hands for a moment, sometimes Mack could just be so frustrating to deal with.

"You okay?"

A plate clattered as it was placed down on the table and Riley pulled her hands away from her eyes. "Yeah, it's just my boyfriend." She said to Oscar, who was looking at her concerned.

"Oh, it's Mack right if i remember correctly?" Oscar tilted his head curiously.

"Yeah, we've been dating two years." Riley stabbed a potato square with her fork.

"Oh nice." Oscar muttered half-heartedly.

"What about you?" Riley asked once she had finished chewing.

"Oh ah I haven't had much luck in that department." Oscar said sheepishly, "been too busy racing since the last girlfriend i had."

"Ah well sometimes it's better that way." Riley nodded.

"Yeah I suppose." Oscar mused, "although my Mclaren managers and PR team wish I had a girlfriend, they reckon it would bring me more popularity."

"As if you need it." Riley laughed.

"Yeah I know right."

After lunch the group headed straight back to their respective garages to continue filming the content they needed.

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