chapter 10

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 Soon enough it was the moment that the Erebus garage had been waiting for, race time. Riley and Will were both situated in their cars on the starting grid, waiting for the last cars to pull up and for the lights to go out. Rileys heartbeat thumped in her ears the same way it always did when she was nervous, realistically she knew she had this but there was always that moment of anxiety that nagged at her on the starting grid. 

Will and Riley both had clean getaways from the grid until Chaz's car decided it was a rocketship and Will dropped back down into third. Riley meanwhile had also dropped one spot, fighting for ninth on her way into the first corner. 

So far things were going good until they weren't. On the way out of the first corner one of the Shell cars decided booping Riley's car was the right thing to do. Getting a little too into her inner squirrel, Riley while turning into the corner cut across Jack LeBrocq, who spun her around. 

As if things couldn't get worse Cam Hill had to tap her again, spinning himself and Riley around again. This caused two other cars to hit into the stopped drivers. 

"Fuck, stupid De Pasquale." Riley bitched not realising her radio was on still. 

"Just try and bring it in Riley, it looks like we're out of this race." George commanded. 

"Copy." Riley muttered as she spun the car around the right way, "Oh look there's my front bumper, lovely." Her bumper had obviously come off in the early chaos and had been pushed down the track.

 Riley made it through one more corner before she had to pull over on the grass. "The cars fucked, can't make it bloody back, it's got too much damage." she reported before switching off the car. 

Riley sat down in the grass beside her car waiting for the recovery vehicle to arrive. What was a good day had now turned in a shit one. When the vehicle pulled up she jumped straight into the front instead of watching them load her car on. Once they got back to the pitlane and parked Riley immediately jumped out and began to walk to her garage. Once she got inside she threw her helmet and balaclava off and stormed through the garage to her driver room.  

"Why aren't you going after her?" Oscar said to Mack who he was standing beside at the tv screen. 

"Eh she'll be fine, it's her fault she lost control anyway." Mack shrugged. 

"Wow you really are a dick." Oscar muttered under his breath, moving away from Riley's boyfriend. 

He was about to head out the back and follow Riley (like a good boyfriend would) but he was stopped by George calling his name. 

"Leave her alone for now mate." George advised, "Don't want her taking her anger out on you." 

"Okay, can i go see her later though?" Oscar asked. 

"Of course." George nodded, "But for now, come stand next to me, we've still got Will in this race." 

Oscar compiled and stood next to George to watch the rest of the race. About one lap from the race end and it being clear that Will was going to win, Oscar ducked off to talk to Riley. 

He knocked on her nameplated door and called out, when he got no answer Oscar opened the door. He found that her room was a mess and amidst the chaos was Riley still in her racesuit, somehow sleeping upside down hanging off the couch?? and Oscar thought he was bad for sleeping anywhere. 

Oscar hurriedly walked in and crouched next to Riley, moving away a stray pair of gloves. The last thing Erebus needed was for Riley to hurt herself with two races to go. "Riles, wake up." he whispered, shaking her shoulder slightly. 

Riley woke up suddenly and lurched forward almost smacking her head against Oscar's as she sat up. "Oscar?" she mumbled, "Oh shit did i fall asleep whoops." she spun around so she was facing Oscar and rubbed her eyes. 

"Yeah uh you did, do you want to talk about what happened?" He asked cautiously, moving so he was sitting cross-legged. 

"Nah it's fine, i just got angry that's all." Riley shrugged, "And went i get angry i tend to make a mess." she looked away from him, not wanting him to notice she was lying.

He tapped her knee forcing her to look at him, he stared back, brown eyes meeting green. It was a test to see if she would crack and telling him what was going on. 

"Fine." She sighed pulling her gaze away, "I'm mad that i got hit the tiniest little margin and i had to go fuck up my own race as well as the others, hell Jack and Cam were just bystanders in that and i had to catch them out too. Now i betcha i'm going to lose 2nd in the championship too." 

"Hey," Oscar placed his hand on her knee again, "You did the best you could it's not your fault that, the lockup happened and that you had another driver behind you and as for your championship i'm sure you'll win back your points, i know you can do it." 

"Thank you." Riley smiled for the first time in a couple hours, "Do i have to go back out there just yet? i don't feel like dealing with people yet." 

"I think they'll be too busy with Will's win to think about looking for you." Oscar shrugged. 

"Yay, want to play mario kart? i brought my switch?" Riley asked, standing up and clearing some stuff off the floor. 

"Okay yeah sure." Oscar agreed and Riley began setting up the popular game for them to play. 

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