Chapter 13

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Cameras flashed as they walked into the paddock, Oscar had gained popularity during the season and that was obvious from the shouts and squeals around the pair.

Riley was focused on not tripping in front of the many cameras and the fans when she felt the tap on her hand. She fought a smile that threatened to appear as she tapped back twice.

They made it to Mclaren hospitality with only four cameras on them by the end. Riley still let out a big sigh once they were safely inside though.

She tucked her pass back into her backpack as people began walking over to greet Oscar. she managed to remember a few names of the Mclaren workers as Oscar embraced his social side, there was Kim (His trainer), Tom (His engineer), and Kayla (His Pr representative). Riley ended up having a conversation with Kayla about hair dye and colours after Kayla told her she loved the dark green she had going. 

After conversations were had Riley and Oscar were left alone again. Oscar began tugging her in the direction to his room and it was then that Riley noticed they were still holding hands, she flushed scarlet and hoped no one noticed. 

After dumping his stuff in his actual room Oscar and Riley started their tour. Oscar dropped her hand as he opened the door to leave and Riley couldn't help but feel a thorn of disappointment settle in her chest. 

"So." Oscar said spinning around to face her as they walked down the long corridor, "This corridor obviously leads to Lando and I's rooms."

He spun back around and Riley giggled at his antics. "And as you would've noticed outside my quiet space, is the area where I have my meals, I can have them in the actual hospitality but I prefer to eat with my trainer." He explained.

They left the corridor that opened in the main hospitality area and buffet. Oscar pointed in one direction and Riley quickly looked at where he was pointing, "Over there," he started pointing at the two couch-like chairs and coffee table, "is where Lando and I film all our lovely content for you."

Oscar and Riley continued their tour, Oscar showing her the offices, the dining area and the corridor to the offices. Riley didn't have to worry about paying attention, Oscar already had all of it. His calm but confident personality drew her in.

After the tour it was time for Oscar to do the track walk with Tom and some of his engineers, he also invited Riley to come with them as she didn't know anyone from the Mclaren team and he didn't want her to feel left out.

Riley took it all in as they walked out of hospitality and into the cloudy Dutch weather. Oscar now sporting his Mclaren uniform, shot her a smile as they walked, knowing she was slightly wary of the camera following them.

They walked around the track, Oscar chatting to his engineers about data and overtaking opportunities. He also stuck a foot in the gravel testing the feel for if he went off. A pause was taken at one point as a marshal wanted a photo with Oscar.

Riley started laughing when they stopped once again further up the lap. One of the broadcast teams had brought a soccer ball with them on their own walk and a game of keep up had started.

Oscar kicked the ball high twice before passing it to one of the commentators. He headbutted it back, mindful of the microphone in hand. Oscar then kicked it sideways to Riley who kicked right back, a grin on her face.

After the game of soccer they headed around the rest of the track and into the pits. Riley handed Oscar his jumper back that she was holding as he started up a conversation about a tennis match he had played earlier in the week. 

Riley spent the rest of the Thursday sitting in the Mclaren hospitality as Oscar had videos to film for various broadcasts and media platforms. Her Friday was a little better, Mack didn't come along that day either as well so Oscar and her held hands walking into the paddock again. She was able to watch in the garage and compare how the setup at Erebus was to Mclaren.

 Riley felt super welcome and even chatted to a few of the mechanics about her own racing. In the end Oscar finished the practise sessions, P8 and p19 two opposite end of the scale but that was understandable as he had never raced at the track before. Riley felt a pang of disappointment when Oscar dropped her off at her room and she realised Mack was still out with his friends. She was disappointed but not surprised she knew her boyfriend prefered to party instead of have a quiet night in, it was the reason he had so many contacts back in Australia.

Saturday was a better affair, both of the Mclaren boys had qualified in the top ten and were excited for the race. That much was clear when Lando came bouncing towards her when they got back to hospitality. Oscar followed behind him before slumping down onto the couch next to Riley, he didn't outwardly show it but Riley could sense he was happy too. 

 Oscar kicked his race boots up onto Riley's lap and she cringed. "Get your boots off me Pastry." she pushed his feet to the floor. What she didn't expect was for him to spin around and place his head in her lap instead. Riley was instantly startled she didn't expect him to be the touchy type but she didn't mind it. In fact she blushed as their eyes connected and Oscar smiled at her. 

"Ugh get a room you two." Lando commented from where he was sitting sideways across his own chair. That man could never sit normally, even if he needed to save his life. 

"Shut up mate." Oscar snapped back jokingly and Riley laughed. Oscar and Lando slipped into easy conversation and Riley pretended to not notice the photographer that was taking a photo of the cute moment. 

Sunday was an even bigger cause for celebrations as after a chaotic wet weather filled race that made Riley bite her nails and Mack roll his eyes at her, the Mclaren boys finished P9 and P2. It was Lando's third podium for the season. 

As they were guests of the Mclaren team they went out with the rest of the team to watch Lando on the podium. Riley laughed as Lando did his iconic champagne pop and sprayed it all over Max and the Mclaren worker that joined them up there. 

After the podium they went back to the Hospitality as Riley wanted to find Oscar and congratulate him on a good race as well. Riley led Mack down the hallway to Oscar's room. "Oscar!" she called, knocking on the door. 

"Give me a minute!" He called back, voice muffled by the wooden door. Riley glanced back at Mack who had a small smile on his face, he was trying to be happy for her which was good. eventually Oscar opened the door, a wide smile on his face and cheeks flushed. "Hey Riles and Mack." the happiness in his voice disappeared but Riley didn't pay any attention. 

"You did really good." Riley latched onto Oscar (holding him in a hug tightly) and he couldn't help but laugh she really was like a koala. Oscar looked up past the small green haired girl that was currently clinging to him to see Mack was glaring at him. Oscar glared right back, he wasn't normally the kind of guy to come off standoffish but anything to get Riley's shitty boyfriend from his sights.  

"Babe we gotta go." Mack eventually said and looked down, Ha! a win is a win! Oscar thought. Riley detached herself from where she was still hugging Oscar. 

"Okay." she sighed, stepping back next to Mack."i'll text you later." she shot Oscar a small smile before they walked off. Once they had left Oscar couldn't help but noticed a sinking feeling in his gut like something bad was going to happen but what?

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