Vegaspete LOVE STORY

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Enjoy 🥂

💜 Pete pov💙

✨🦋 evening 🌆 ✨🦋 ⏱️7pm

We were in the living room with all the family members  "only minor family members"

Macau :  wouah !  I can't believe there's two babies in this little belly my in- law! 
" he says as he touch Pete's stomach"

Vegas:  get your hands off

Macau : ahahaha !!  So let start looking for a name.

Ginaa :  so here a paper and a pen for everyone  you have to propose to us Two names then we gonna vote  if we like it or not.

Kan : ok let's me Start

Macau : i have 3 names in my head already.

Ginaa : ok let start, Vegas and Pete you are going last because you are the one who gonna choose.

Kan:  ok what about my name!?...." He didn't even finish his words"

Vegas:  eh! Pa nice try in your dream Next please

Macau :  ahahaha !!!

Ginaa :  ahahaha!! i knew he is going to bring his name on the table!  
" They all laugh"

Macau :   ok my turn, what about we reverse my name and name the baby Cauma!?

Vegas:  what's that a karma?

Pete: ahahaha!!!

Ginaa : ahahaha!  i think everyone want to bring a part of his name.

Macau :.  Ok listen what about this one Mao

Vegas:  go away  next!.

Ginaa :   ok my turn what if we call them PIA and GIA

Kan:  omg they are Boys!  Why would you give them Girls name   " he shouck his head'

Ginaa :  no!  i have a friend who name is alpha Son like that

Vegas:  Ma just stop please.

Macau :  ahahaha !!  Ma you have weird friends.

Ginaa :  ok Pete son you wrote only one name?

Pete: yes I'm gonna let Vegas choose the other one.

Ginaa : oh ! Okay!

Vegas: honey what's the name you picked

Pete:  uhm! Let do it at the same time ok , let annonce at the same time.

Macau :  ok to 3 you annonce.....1....2....3

Pete:    PayU

Vegas:  Venice

Ginaa : wouah !!

Vegas:   why PayU.    " he asks with a soft voice and a smile"

Pete:  uhm!  PayU was my Grandpa name.

Ginaa :  oh,  so let go for PayU !!!!!
"She says all excited as they all clapped"

Macau :  wooow!!!! 👏 👏👏👏!!

Ginaa :  and you Vegas  why Venice?  
"she ask as they all look at Vegas"

Vegas:   oh, because Venice sound cool and it a part of my name Vegas ~Venice it's rythm so cool.
  " he says with a big smile as his mom , his dad and his brother were eying him with a angry look   Pete was just smiling"

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