Vegaspete love story

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🖤  Vegas POV 🖤

✨🦋.    Safe House ✨🦋

" Rain has arrived but he was stopped by PayU at the gate"

PayU :  sorry Rain you can't enter just give me the box and  go book an hotel room in town.

Rain:  what?  Why?  PayU I'm really hungry at least let's me drink some water I'm so tired.

PayU :   you can't,  I .....

Rain: is that Venice's voice?  Why is he crying??
" He cut him as he walked pass him to the house"

PayU :  Rain, you can't go there Venice is in rut.
" He grabbed Rain's  hand"  it's better not to go inside.

Rain:  PayU let's me go, can't you hear Venice is suffering.?
" He pushed PayU as he made his way inside the Villa "

PayU : you know what is gonna happen to you if you go inside right.
" He firmly grab Rain "

Rain:  i was bought to serve him, I... I belong to him.

" PayU was stunned  as he recall  how Venice always treat Rain like his property, nobody is allowed to look at, nor to touch him,  how Venice is so possessive
How he always touch Rain's body with possessiveness and he can touch  everywhere  whenever he wants
Rain never complained  he only submit. 
He slowly release Rain hand "

Prapai :  what's all this noise?
" He says as he get out of his room "  Oh, Rain what are you doing here?  This place is not safe for you, some hungry Lion could jump on you at any time here"
" He says as he laughed referring Venice as a lion"

✨ In Venice room ✨

Venice:  Mate!.....Mate!
" He smelled Rain pheromones as soon as Rain step in the house, he got off the bed quickly as he made his way to the living room where he spot PayU, Prapai and Rain
He walked fast angry and his eyes was red
When PayU and Prapai saw him they back up  quickly as they already know how Venice behave when he's in rut nobody can control him , he's like an hungry Lion "

Prapai :  oh, no.
" He try to drag Rain and run outside , there when he received a hit as he falls down as Venice hit him .
He carried Rain back in the house with one hand and released a strong pheromones it makes Rain dizzy "

Venice:  mine! Mine!
" He says possessive as he start sniffing Rain Neck  like an happy dog checking out his prey"

Rain:  Venice calm down!
" Says Rain in his small and seductive voice as he caress Venice cheek  , trying to calm him down.
Rain was trembling with fear he had never seen this alpha dominent side of Venice , now he understood why phaw Pete always sent him far when Venice is in Rut "

Venice:  all Mine!!
" He says as he ripped Rain clothes apart
Rain try to hide his body with his hands,
The Alpha didn't like that,  why his omega try to hide what belong to him? 
He glance aside and met Prapai and PayU eyes,  PayU dragging Prapai outside . he understood his omega didn't want this In front of others people So he carried Rain
To his room and threw him on his bed  and he could not wait to spread Rain's legs apart   *but he forgot to close the door* "

✨✨✨✨✨🦋MATE🦋 🔞✨✨✨✨✨

As Venice was loosing his mind he grab Rain waist and hips high , pressing his hard and Hot dick against the omega pussy he squeezed in hard, Rain was tense and unprepared , naturally he couldn't get in
He kept twisting his body in pain  the omega was virgin, tight and unprepared,
The strong desire to mate made Venice even irritable,  He released his pheromones to calm his omega down, it's works as automatically the omega pussy Start secreted slick and the hole slightly as if inviting to be invaded,  Venice eyes was red
He spread apart Rain legs and inserted his dick again roughly, the pain made Rain face pale the corner of his eyes was oozing tears out . Being softly wrapped and squeezed by his Alpha the pleasure pierced all his body
as Venice finally found a way to relieve the swelling desire he wished , he was slamming fiercely it cause Rain to scream loud again and again "

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