Racoon Cat(short story)

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Nothing else happened after my cleaning of each of the wings. Seeing I just need some rest and some fresh air. Maybe a picnic for lunch. I was bored and had nothing to do. So I began packing up sandwiches for myself,some snacks and drinks then I placed them in a basket. Heartslabyul has a nice venue for a picnic for myself plus I'm not trying to get ants in my basket so It'll do. After i'm dressed I began my walk to the rose gardens behind Heartslabyul manor. A table was already placed within the garden for decoration,from what I assume. Regardless, I placed down my basket and began silently feasting on my food. When I was eating I heard rustling coming from the rose bush. I stared at the spot thinking it was some random strays. I continued eating when I heard that sound again. When I squinted there was a cat like figure in the rose bush which looked like it was eyeing my basket. 'It must be hungry' I thought. I looked in my basket looking for something for cats. There is a tuna can which should work for something. I guess that tuna can was a little happy accident. Regardless I opened the can and before I could place it down that cat ran out the bush and jumped onto my lap and began scarfing down the tuna. I moved the tuna away and placed it on the table as this cat followed. While it ate I noted a ribbon around the cat with a gem as the tag. I managed to see the name on the tag said grim "I wonder if you too came with the property" I mumbled which made his ears twitch. I guess I don't mind, I wouldn't be lonely while I'm here. I had a light smile as the cat finished. Then it started rummaging through my basket "H HEy don't do that" I called as I tried to remove the cat from eating everything in my basket. I was far too late. it ate everything. I sighed as I held him in my arms, belly stuff with my food looking sheepish. 

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