The "Little Things they" do(Diasomnia)

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You thought it'll be fine.stay a night or two in Diasomnia hoping nothing much will happen. Maybe you did expect a chase or some creepy interaction. To be honest this is more than you bargained for

"Guys I'm leaving" I shouted as I began to walk to the front door. When I tried the handles BOOM lightning struck in front of the building as it began to storm on an odd sunny evening "oh a shame. To think we had such clear skys" lilia spoke from the stairwell "Well we can't have you soaked out there so how about you stay for a bit hmm... just until the rain clears" Lilia suggested. Seeing as i almost got struck by lightning, i agree which made the ghost grin "Splendid. Gather everyone, we're all going to have one last brunch before you leave, ok" lilia ordered so i did. Silver and Sebek were in the indoor training room and Malleus was in the library.Brunch was ready after everyone had gathered in the dining room. The food was some sandwiches which look surprisingly edible,this is coming from lilia after all. "You've been here for some time even I wasn't expecting you'll last so long" Lilia spoke "tell me do you enjoy our company" He ask "well...When you guys are not threatening my life i say you guys are ok in my book" I replied honestly. "Oh we couldn't just kill you prematurely. Not with that necklace on" lilia spoke as he points to the gem on my neck "I see no need for it. I would say just throw it away" sebek huffed "Well I don't want an attachment so I'm keeping it on" i replied.thunder grew louder "but why not? Surely you think being a ghost is that bad" lilia asked "think about it. We can all be together like the old days" he smiled trying to cut through the tension "but I like being alive and i don't want to be here forever forever" i replied "I see... well it can't be helped but i still would say better now than ever" Lilia replied as he sneaked a glance at malleus...I felt something sharp prickling my ankles, that light scratch seems to cause me to be severely drowsy. I tried to form my words yet nothing came out. My vision blurred and the last thing I saw was a sinister smile.


"Who knew, this task is more devious then i anticipated" Lilia spoke. My eyes fluttered open only to feel constricted "oh your awake" Lilia spoke "I would be more surprise you wake up from malleus's sleeping spell but then again....I did get a little excited and might've kissed your lips" Lilia laughed "don't worry i did nothing else...well yet" he adds as he hops on the bed "I do hope you find these chains comfortable, i would say these are far better then the leather ones i found" Lilia smiles as he presents the heavy locket "let me go. This isn't funny" I spoke, giving him a glare which only made him laugh "Ah~there's the fire I remember. Now why would I let you go only for you to escape. Your pretty words won't cloud my judgment this time" Lilia said as he wagged his finger at me "there should be some spell which can remove that amulet. Once that happens it'll only take 7 days to establish the attachment then the true ritual can begin" he beams as he gently cups my face. His love sick eyes he cast down at me oh so lovingly. Those eyes filled with insanity. "1,000 years...1,000 years I've waited and longed for your return. I waited and watched you parish. Over and over again. But now we can forget that and begin a new life here together, all of us" Lilia smiled as he caressed my cheek with his thumb. "I know this may hurt our trust but it is all in good faith my dear" he spoke as he kissed my forehead. He removes himself from my face and slides off the bed "I'll be back to bring you dinner. You must be hungry, you were sleeping for such a long time" Lilia spoke before leaving the room. I need to get out. When I moved I felt an uncomfortable feeling in my skin. In my ankle there was a large thorn which was lightly embedded in my skin. This thorn must've stuck on me when I fainted. I twisted my body and plucked the thorn from me. I quietly slid off the bed with the thorn in hand and began picking the lock. Once I heard that click, the chains I had on quickly slid off so I stood up away from the chain and quickly left the room.

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