Ignihyde journal entry

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---------------Idia shroud------------------------------------------
-the introvert of all introverts
-Ortho told me his name once I got to know him.
-he told me there was more to the wing and how there's actually more rooms in a secret basement which was sick
-the basement was just one big game room.
-I asked him about the dome to which he explained how the place he comes from is very industrialized and had very few moments where stars are seen clearly.
-" ortho wanted to see the stars so I created the dome so no matter what happens the stars will always show up when I activate the roof..."
-trey has competition for the best big brother award
-he likes showing me his inventions and the amounts of games he collected throughout the years
-I guess the steampunk vibes now make sense.
-i asked him how he passed but not even he knows himself
-"One day I woke up and I saw my body. And then i screamed"
-ortho believes it might be something paranormal that had something to do with it
-likes to advertise how being dead has its perks. He doesn't have to interact with people
- when he's mad it is quite scary. Literally his hair turns red and starts shouting
-i only see this when he plays his games
-he dose apologizes to me after his rage moment

------------Ortho Shroud----------------------------------
-he's sweet yet insane child
-he hates anyone bad mouthing his brother which caused the most incidents to occur here according to Idia
-he likes playing with grim and hanging around me often.
-he does express his wishes to visit me and play around the main house but he can't seem to never get in.
-super helpful and like to clean the wing with me
-most of the time he's actually in his doll idia made for him
-he actually died before idia due to a lab incident when they were younger
-ortho made a attachment to idia so he wouldn't be sad nor lonely.
-once idia found out he worked day and night to make a body for him which worked
-using this body enables him to do things like cleaning and even took a gamble at cooking(surprisingly the kitchen didn't explode or anything)
-he likes to refer me as a big sibling and such
-he would be the perfect little ghost if he also didn't wish for me to be dead and join them as a ghost.

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