Octavinelle Journal entry

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-----Azul Ashengrotto------------------------------------------

-certainly a tricky person yet learning his background wasn't that hard

-for starters he was a murder for one

-those who lost against him or break his contracts end up missing

-he was trialed once but ended up beating the system somehow

-i asked him how he died and he said it was from his last and final victim

-he wished not to talk about it as it was "a embarrassing lost"

-sam told me there was a shootout in his lounge after hours which killed him and the two twins

-despite his background azul is the most docile of the three in octavinelle

-he greets me with a smile and asks of my plans for the evening

-sometime he just likes to chat about his once popular restaurant and sometimes even family

Who probably passed away by now

-though he has tried to get me into once of his contracts which i refused much to his displeasure

-he seems to let that go for now

-i had asked him about the twins and why there forms in water is so different from when i see them wondering about close by

-he didn't know the exact reason but he theories it must be something similar as being reincarnated into a animal

-i feather asked if he had such a form but he refused to elaborate feather as he doesn't like discussing something like that

-------Floyd leech----------------------------------------------

-he's definitely interesting

-his mood swings are something

-one day he's ecstatic and the next he threatens to kill me

-but one thing kinda stays the same and it's his urge to "squeeze" people and his aquatic nicknaming

-i earned the title of shrimpy and he'll probably addressed me as such for a long time

-in terms of background he also helped with some killings with azul and his twin brother

-he was more open about them as he would go in to extreme detail of his favorite victims

-i can tell he's definitely the reason for the large amount of clean up

-commonly i see him roaming about bord out his mind until i show up -always something with him which turns 0-100...real fast -has another form which is more akin to a eel merfolk

----------Jade leech-------------------------------------------

-killer #3

-you know what they say "it's always the quiet ones"

-his prefer method of murder are poisoning, drowning, or anything that doesn't leave the place messy

-i didn't want to write it in but he "encourage me too"

-he sees me writing as some sort of "investigation" and in exchange he asks if he examines myself as he sees fit(which i clarify i was just observing him. I'm not taking my chances)

-unlike his twin he doesn't have mood swings but regardless i can't pinpoint his motives

-when talking about forms these ghost can take, he explains that azul has octopus form which makes him embarrassed in fear others would mock him

-he tends to help me when i do chores around the wing and thanks me for taking care of the place when they were more dormant

-he like mushrooms a lot and offered a tour around his terrarium in the backyard

-seeing i owned the property which includes this place i had an obligation to tend to his mushrooms( I can't disagree sense it's part of my chores anyways)

-I don't trust him when he makes drinks for me when i chat with azul due to his past of drugging and poisoning people but I never addressed it out loud

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