Exploration(pt 3)

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We left savanaclaw once grim had enough energy to continue. I can only prey that this one wouldn't be so bad as both previous wings weren't actually half bad and got a little workout from it. I entered Octavinelle only to get a hit with a stale smell. Almost metallic but seemed to be covered by this smell of the sea. There are aquariums in here don't get me wrong but there's no fish so it shouldn't smell, especially after making sure the tanks are clean. I looked down at grim who looked scared and made an attempt to climb up my pants. After allowing him to hike on my shoulder I began exploring. The entire place was cool and due to the blueish lighting, places were a bit dark. While walking I entered the dining room which looked like it was turned to a restaurant in the 20's. The place was lit by dim lamps which were soft on the eyes which accompanied the large light glow of the tank next to us. "Welcome" a voice echoed. I turned in front of me to see a silver haired male. He just has a white blouse, a purple bow tie,dress pants that are clipped with matching black suspenders and cummerbund. He had golden glasses attached by one gold chain that had pearls. He was leaning back on the bar facing me with a casual smile "we were waiting for you" he said as a shadow passed making me turn to the tank. Nothing. The necklace vibrates like crazy as hands slide on my shoulder making me swiftly move out the way to see him behind me "Azul Ashengrotto, at your service" he said while he bows. I looked at him a bit freaked out while grim hissed equally as freaked out. "Allow me to get you a drink.you look in need of one." azul said sounding slightly concerned. He vanished before i could protest. We left the restaurant as soon as he left. This reminds me to start looking for that key to that locked room. I began my journey upstairs in the office but i only found a feathered pen. Hey might as well take it. Now I have a feather pen in my inventory. On the desk next to the pen was a newspaper. All of this was about business ratings and the stock market with a few ads here and there. Nothing important. When I put the paper down I heard bangging downstairs. I knew where it was coming from. I walked back downstairs and reached the locked door. Grim meowed in protest but I just gave him an apologetic look. I pulled out the pick lock kit and began to unlock the door. By this time grim is off my shoulder hiding between my legs. Inside the room was a large and deep pool. I guess that's what Crowley was talking about. The pool had a soft blue glow due to the pool lights which did not help the dark room once so ever. Then the door slammed shut behind me. When I turned I heard rippling notices from the water which added to grim hissing as his hairs stick on ends. I looked back into the deep pool to see a pair of heterochromic eyes gazing at me from the deep end. Watching my every move. Without skipping a beat, some person lunged out from the pool making me scream and fall backwards as grim hisses and yelps just as mortified as me. This teal like being crawls along the now wet floor towards my terrifying form as he laughed. A second almost identical creature crawls out from the water and just sits there watching and grinning at my misery. With all of my mental capacity I got up from the floor, grabbed grim who was practically clawing on my shirt and ran out the now unlocked door. I slammed the twin doors shut as I huffed and puffed, regaining the air I lost from that jumpscare. My legs shook as I began to walk out the door "do come back" I heard Azul say as I left the door. When i whipped around the doors closed shut. 

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