The "little things" they do (Pomefiore)

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"Uug i can't stand him" epel groans as he aggressively carves another apple "always nagging like he's my mom or something." he huffs as he finishes the final details "why do you stay with a man like that" epel mumbles. He and vil got into a heated argument again. Only god knows what they're on about this time but it was way too early for any of that. "Well..maybe he's just looking after us" i stated "sure sure, 'taking care of us'. Do you truly believe that" he asked "well he has made sure i've eaten and have a healthy-ish sleep schedule" i replied "i wouldn't blame you for you thinking such things though" i mumbled as i leaned back on the apple tree. "Why do you always defend him... have you forgotten what has happened here" epel asked. His expression saddened "I'm not defending him entirely-. How about this? How about i ask him to lay off" i suggested "by yourself" epel asked "no it's fine. You shouldn't" epel said as he picks up another apple "why. Don't you want him to get off your back" I asked "yes but i don't want you to go by yourself with him" epel replied "why not. Vil hasen't-" "i don't want you to die again ok gosh" he huffs angrily "epel.. Did you have a nightmare or something" i asked with a slight sigh "you don't....I guess you can say it's a nightmare" epel mumbled "do you want to tell me about it" i asked " were hurt really bad.blood was everywhere and-" epel paused "I don't want to talk about it anymore" he said. "Just don't trust vil with anything. Don't even dare.not even rook alright. Trust me. It's for the best" epel said as he looked at me dead in my eyes "ok.. I won't.... How about we made some dessert over with trey. I think he can make some apple pie." i offered, which made him smile "gosh you'r the best. Always know how to make lil ole me happy" epel said as he grabs my hand "lets go then" epel adds as he drags me up and away to heartslabyul. Must be one nasty nightmare for him to act like that.


"Bonsoir, mon cher" a voice spoke behind me, shocking me out of my skin "oop. Sorry i never meant to scare you" rook said "it's fine just don't do that again. Anyways what brings you here" i asked "I enjoy visiting the gardens in,the now, Savanaclaw wing. It brings me much nostalgic memories" he smiles "say may I be of aid. I also do enjoy a little garden work" Rook asked "well leona isn't going to do it so might as well. "Parfait! Je vous remercie, mon cher" he replied, kissing my hand before warding off somewhere else. I can never get used to his eccentricness. While planting some new plants that came in i came across something hard.I digged deeper to see something stomach turns praying to anyone that this isen't what i think it is "i suppose i made that one too shallow" Rook spoke which made me jump, tripping on the water hose making me fall. Rook grabbed that white thing and to my horror. It was a human femur "you know this place was the original garden Vil and i use to bury our victims to sustain the plants. We kinda stolen this from Roi de Fort and his crime schemes" rook said as he examines the bone "Don't worry. You weren't buried here. But if you desire it mon cher-" Rook stated as he look down at me "nonononononono. I'm fine. Just put that back i i need to go-" i replied then he laughs "you have that same reaction too~ ma parole, is this what you call daja vu. Not to worry. I'll finish this from here" Rook reasured as he picks up the shovel and buries back the bone. I left for him to continue hiding that...."how many bodies are even on this property" 


"Vil, are you here" I asked as I entered the wing. Apparently he hasn't been himself lately even got epel concerned. Rook asked me to go have a chat with him. Make him feel better I suppose. "vil.Are you alright" I asked, waiting for some signs. When there was no answer I pulled out the necklace from my shirt and followed the vibrations. This leads me to his room. I knocked "vil. Is something wrong" i asked. The door opened to see vil looking less than himself. His hair all shriveled, eyeliner running down from his eyes overall he looks pitiful. "Is there anything i could do" i asked and he sighed "just....sit down" he said sounding more irritated. Did epel and him get into another argument? I entered his room to see a mess. But I ignored it and sat on the bed. Vil walks to the vanity and starts his nightly routine in silence. "You know. You look like someone i knew" Vil said as he brushed out his hair "you know i feel like this'll be a common occurrence" i replied which made him smile a little "what were they like" i asked "Schön..." he smiled as he finished up. "What happened to them" I asked "oh, it was an accident..." he replied rather quickly "that's all you need to know." he said as he turns off the lights "if you wouldn't mind. Can you stay here tonight? I've been having trouble sleeping as of late. Perhaps you can keep me company.afterall you did come here to make me feel better" he asked. I thought about it and nod "nothing funny ok" I replied. He grabs my hand and lays down next to me. I took off my shoes and slept next to him. I was awakened by a shift on the bed. I couldn't open my eyes or even move but all i heard was soft sobs as tears on my chest "i'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." I heard vil say "this won't happen. Not again" he adds as he holds me tight "I promise.I will obtain that happily ever after you so desire. Things will return to normal....I promise" Vil mumbles more as I feel his grip tighten "I'm not letting you relive that nightmare...Not again..."

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