Heir of the Lords

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Water droplets fall on the puddle the noise echoes, the puddle covering as far as the eyes can see like an ocean. Footsteps echo a man is seen walking in the distance, his face cannot be seen however he is wearing a clerical white and blue robe and a round white hat. His head moves upwards to the pitch black sky a white circle starts to take shape like a halo. He puts both of his arms above his head.

-"May the era of these devils fall to its knees, may humanity strike at the neck of these unjust rulers!"-

The rings on his fingers start to glow and a white explosion brighter than the sun and whiter than paper takes over everything leaving only destruction and death behind.

800 years later...

A young man wakes up from his bed naked with only underwear on, he grabs his face still tired from hanging out with his friend Leon from the previous night he moves his brown long hair out of his face. He looks around his small sized village house, the corner of the walls are covered in webs, the floor boards are full of cracks and splintering, his windows covered with plywood since they have been broken a while back, the only clean spot of his house was the kitchen since he doesn't cook, he either steals food from the local vendors or goes hunting and cooks the meat in the forest. After flicking his eye boogers he stands up and starts to walk to his restroom, there's a bucket for a toilet and the shower is just a tub with used water from last week. He grabs his clothes which were hanging next to the restroom door and he puts them on, it is a worn out leather jacket and he puts on some brown pants made of simple cloth. He then exits the restroom and walks towards his kitchen he looks around for his shoes which he firmly believes he lost them once again, he then gets on his knees and looks under his bed he reaches under and pulls out a different pair, these were some old scratched up boots but he still chooses to wear them they are better than nothing.

He grabs the doorknob to his main door and he opens the door, the bright rays of the sun flash his eyes he puts his right hand up covering his eyes, the smell and noise of livestock cover the streets, he looks around after his eyes have adjusted to the light, the village is covered with vendors, some ranchers are walking their cows and goats while there is some beggars on the streets as well. As he walks down the street he sees an old man, he still had white hair but only on the sides, he was completely bald on the top, he also had a blue rag for a shirt and some brown ripped pants. He was struggling to bring down some sacks filled with flour from his carriage, as the old man starts to trip up with the bag on his shoulder he runs to assist him by helping him regain his balance as he takes the bag from the old man.

-"Oh why thank you young man if it wasn't for you I would have eaten a mouth full of dirt"- he says with a smile.

-"Say young man what is your name?"-

-"My name is Ramon sir"-

-"Well then Ramon take this as a gratitude for helping an old geezer like me."-

He then pulls out a mini coin purse and he hands it over to Ramon, Ramon opens it up to see what's in it. It's a few bronze coins, not anything too crazy but it was an old man he really couldn't and shouldn't expect more from him.

Ramon smiles,

-"why thank you sir this is very generous of you"-

-"Oh it's nothing, I'm just glad to see the young generation help us old people we can barely carry our own weight"- he says laughing.

They both are then interrupted by a man screaming in the distance he is wearing a yellow shirt and has some ripped khaki pants, practically shorts at this point, he has short blonde hair and has a nice peach skin tone.

-"RAMON!'- the man was still screaming and waving.

-"I'm sorry sir but if you don't mind I have to get going'-

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