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The sun is about to set on the Lunar Forest making the sky an almost dim orange, the sun looks like a giant marble in the sky. It is already halfway down in the horizon just a few more hours till night time. Ramon screams echo through the entire forest, making birds and insects alike fly away being spooked. Ramon is seen running for his dear life; he has never run at such speeds. He feels chills thinking about how the blue eyed witch was staring him down. Ramon shakes his head and maintains his focus in trying to escape the cold grasps of the witches. After several minutes of running he ends up by a small creek, he is panting like a rabid dog, he is struggling to catch his breath, his small heart feels like it is about to explode, and his tail is shaking in tiredness. He takes a deep breath and falls on his arse, letting the breeze of the creek hit his face.

-"Ahhhh"- he lets out a sigh of relief.

-"This forest is beautiful is it not?"- A strange man speaks to Ramon.

Ramon turns to his right in shock and confusion, there is a tall but slender man standing next to him, he is wearing an orange like hooded robe, it seems as if like flames were coming out of it, he had a white skin tone with short brown hair and brown eyes, he had a mustache and a small beard on his chin.

-"W-who are you?"- Ramon asked him.

Meanwhile on the other side of the forest Pedro was brought to the other witches by the blue eyed one. She was holding him by his right leg as he was struggling to escape. The witch with the bangs saw her bring him and clapped in joy.

-"Hooray! You got the trespasser Emma!"- She said.

-"Unfortunately I let the other one escape..."- She says in a quiet and soothing voice.

-"Other one? What other one? This fat toad was the only one I sensed?"- She asks.

-"Hey! Who are you calling fat, you hard headed broad!"- Pedro tries to interrupt but is ignored.

-"Oh if you didn't sense him then I guess it was nothing..."- Emma says.

They both then begin to walk towards the rest of the witches who were sitting down next to the red pentagram on the floor. The child-like one was playing with the orange haired one, while Luna was dozing off. Something seemed to be troubling her mind. The witch with the bangs grabbed Pedro and dropped him on the floor for the rest of the witches to see. Luna feels fear, if Pedro shows that he knows her the rest of the witches will now question Luna and her loyalty to the Eydis covenant.

'Damn! Pedro please don't sell me out!' She says in thought.

Pedro looks at Luna and does a small grin, but he doesn't do anything else; he just lays down in silence.

-"You witches are making a grave mistake! Soon help will come for me for I am his mentor and ally!!"- Pedro yells.

The witch with the bangs looks at him in a degrading manner and then puts her foot on his belly, almost crushing him to death.

-"I am Greta the forest Sentinel, how the hell am I supposed to feel threatened by a fat bastard such as yourself!?"- Greta says as anger starts to form in her voice.

Luna starts to feel fear, she can't let Greta kill Pedro she promised him that she was going to help him talk to Eydis, it would disgrace her if she were to break that promise, Luna was about to speak up but the witch with the orange hair beat her to it.

-"G-Greta wait, shouldn't we also sacrifice him along with the precious metals? I believe he could also be worth something"- She mentions.

-"Huh? How is this frog supposed to be worth anything? All it's good for is to be jackal food?!"- Greta retorts.

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