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It was a bright sunny morning, the birds are chirping, the sun is shining with a beautiful spark, and the Lunar Forest still had that beautiful white spark over it. Everything about this place is gorgeous. However in the distance a monster can be heard roaring as trees can be heard falling over in the masses. Our duo Ramon and Pedro can be seen standing in front of the enraged behemoth of a bull. The stench of the bull invaded their nostrils, their eyes were watery, you could almost taste it, the taste of a rotted corpse. The bull roars one more time before charging Ramon once again. With every step it takes the trees around it shake. Ramon prepares for the beast that is coming right at him. He gets in a sumo stance, as a white aura emits from his shoulder, he raises his left palm at the incoming bull. As soon as the bull gets close enough Ramon goes for the attack.

-"HYAAAAAH!"- Ramon yells as he throws a punch with his right fist.

Ramon successfully delivered the strike to the bull's forehead, the animal recoiled back from the punch. As it takes a few steps backwards it shakes its head and glares over at Ramon with his demon-like eyes. Something Ramon failed to understand is that animals such as bulls, goats or rams were meant to take in such hits to the head unscathed. Ramon's face shows an expression of shock when he sees he did virtually nothing to the bull. As the bull charges at Ramon once again the bull is tripped up by a bunch of webbed slime on the floor.

-"RAMON GET HIM WHILE HE IS DOWN!"- Pedro is seen flying into the air spitting more slime.

Ramon clenches his teeth determined to finish the animal right here right now.

-"Alright you slimy bastard, let's see how durable your head is!"- Ramon says.

With his right arm Ramon begins to form white energy around his fingers transforming his hand into an effective blade. As Ramon begins to charge the stunned behemoth it suddenly stands up, it seems that its body has successfully sucked in Pedro's slimy trap. The bull charges at Ramon who was also charging him.

-"CRAP!"- Ramon yells.

As dodging is out of the question Ramon decides to take the hit. He places his hands forward grabbing onto the horns, however he was in front of the bull, as he was being pushed into trees. One by one the bull pushes Ramon into every possible tree. Ramon tries his hardest to push off the bull, his feet are dug into the ground as he tries his hardest to bring the bull to a stop however it is in vain. The bull still pushing Ramon across the forest, Ramon decides to act. He places his right hand in the middle of the bulls forehead and a white light begins to emit from his palm.

-"GODS...PALM!"- Ramon yells on top of his lungs.

A white explosion covers him and the bull including the surrounding area. Pedro in panic runs towards the sound of the explosion, he is worried about the trouble the bull might have pushed Ramon into.

-"Damn it Ramon don't use too much energy we need it for shizuka!"- Pedro says as he still runs towards Ramon.

The only thing left in the area where Ramon was located is only dust and broken trees. Ramon stands up, his silhouette visible through the dirt dust. Ramon begins to slowly walk into view heading to where the bull is at. He wipes the blood coming from his mouth with the sleeve of his shirt. As he walks towards the bull he sees its still standing but not by much, it's struggling to be on all fours. The bull is bleeding through its eyes and nose. It spots Ramon and slowly begins to walk towards him at a pathetic attempt to charge at him. Ramon decides to act first, he once again emits the white energy blade from his fingers ready to dispatch the animal. The bull roars at him but in a tone as if it was begging for its life.

-"I need to kill you, Pedro said it himself, if I don't you'd just follow us all the way to shizuka...we can't have that."- Ramon speaks to the animal.

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