Sierra Village

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It's a stormy cold night up in a mountain with snow pouring from the sky, the surrounding area is covered by snow, the trees are white as paper. The wind whistles throughout the landscape causing an eerie feeling of loneliness. In the distance on the snow a small caravan of five stagecoaches can be seen, each stagecoach heavily covered with snow. They glow from the inside for there are people inside of it who are traveling into the cold brutal mountain. Each stagecoach is attached to a pair of Yakut horses that are dragging the stagecoach along the snow. The man steering the reins of the front stagecoach is wearing an outfit that covers his face and body with sheep wool. His brown eyes are only visible and there are snowflakes resting on his eye lashes. In the inside of the stagecoach a family of three is seen talking and resting in the warmth of one another. There is a young girl at the age of eight resting next to her mom. She is asleep. The young girl has brown hair, white skin toned, a few freckles and has an all brown sheep wool outfit. The mother has a similar outfit, but she has black short hair, green eyes, white skin, and her nose was red from the cold. Sitting across from them was a balding white man, he had a scar running through his left cheek and was holding a broadsword in his left hand. He was making eye contact with the mother who was obviously uncomfortable with the situation she was in.

-"How much longer will we continue with this charade Frank?"- the woman says.

Frank lifts his sword onto his lap and places his left hand over it.

-"Do not ask questions from me, you were the one who brought this into our family! You are the reason why we are in this situation every fucking year!"- Frank bursts at her.

She remains quiet in fear of angering him even more.

-"You and your stupid witch friends have only cursed us even more so we have to move constantly and to top it off you also decide to bring them to wherever we fucking go?! Is there something you never fuck up Seraphine?! Huh answer me!"- He continues to press her.

-"Will you be quiet? You are going to wake up Luna!"- She retorts covering young Luna's ears who was still fast asleep.

Frank quiets down for the moment and takes a deep breath, the stagecoach is full of tension between Luna's parents. The ride lasts for another thirty minutes until the caravan comes to a sudden stop. The stagecoach shakes slightly, waking up Luna. She opens her eyes revealing her hazel iris' she looks around the warm stagecoach that has a brown and red leather interior.

-"Oh you are awake sweetheart."- Seraphine says, picking up Luna and bringing her to her lap.

Frank looks around the stagecoach in wonder.

-"Looks like we are finally here, c'mon let's go."- He says.

He reaches for the stagecoach door that was to his left and opens it. The cold wind enters, hitting everyone in the face. The cold wind stings, it felt as if their skin was burning. Frank gets out of the stagecoach and Seraphine hands Luna over to him, he grabs her and covers her face to protect her from the cold wind. Seraphine also gets out of the stagecoach, almost being blown onto the ground by the wind. Everyone else in the other stagecoaches also follow and get out of their respective stagecoaches, one by one, it's a total of twenty three people including Luna and her parents. Frank begins to walk away from the caravan, Seraphine follows close behind and so does everyone else, the stagecoaches in the back embark and leave to their own destination. Frank keeps walking until he spots their end goal, it was a village with several cabins that were made out of dark oak. Each cabin had smoke coming out of their chimney and there seemed to be light coming out of the windows from the inside. Frank and his caravan of refugees come to a stop when two men on horses come from the village and intercept them. One of them stops in front of Frank.

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